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This comprehensive package includes all three Police Station Representatives Accreditation Scheme (PSRAS) assessments;
- The Written Exam
- Portfolio Submission
- Critical Incidents Test (CIT)
- Online support for each assessment
- PSRAS Theory Prep course with 25 hours of webinar content
This package also includes the PSRAS Theory Prep course, 25 hours of training webinars which will provide comprehensive coverage of criminal law, procedure and practice, preparing you to become an accredited police station representative, giving advice in the police station. The PSRAS Theory Prep course is introductory level, and previous criminal knowledge is not a requirement. The entirety of webinars will prepare you to complete the written exam part of the Police Station accreditation.
An additional two legal knowledge based courses are also included.
This package is for non-qualified practitioners and provides the most comprehensive support available for those with no legal training or background.
Comprehensive Support Package Details:
Written Exam
The Written Exam is the first stage of the police station representatives accreditation course and is designed to assess a candidate’s understanding of the role of the police station rep in the police station and the skills that are needed to perform that role effectively.
Portfolio Submission
The police station accreditation scheme Portfolio contains summaries of nine cases in which you have been involved with both the giving of advice, and attendance at an interview between the police and the client, at a police station.
The purpose of Critical Incidents Test is to assess your effectiveness in advising and assisting clients at the police station and your suitability to become an accredited police station representative. The Critical Incidents Test takes the form of a role play assessment under exam conditions.
Online Support
Developed by Datalaw's Assessment Board and accessible via any internet connected computer, mobile or other internet ready device for a period of 12 months, the PSRAS Written Exam, Portfolio and Critical Incidents Test online support courses are samples based and comprise the following materials:
Written Exam
Webinar - 'How to Pass the Written Exam'
A mock paper based on police station accreditation written exam past papers
Full supporting documentation including model answers to sample police station accreditation exam questions
Webinar – ‘How to Prepare a Police Station Portfolio’ providing essential police station accreditation portfolio guidance
A selection of passed and failed police station accreditation portfolio examples
Full supporting documentation including a police station accreditation portfolio model case study
Webinar - ‘How to Prepare for the Critical Incidents Test with James Parry’
Webinar - ‘Success in the CIT with Charles Peter’
Audio mock Critical Incidents Test assessment
Full supporting documentation including a series of sample Critical Incidents Test scenarios
PSRAS Theory Prep Course
Provides comprehensive coverage of criminal law, procedure and practice, including 25 hours of content, preparing you to become an accredited police station representative, giving advice in the police station. The course is an introductory level and previous criminal knowledge is not a requirement, the entirety of webinars will prepare you to complete the written exam part of the Police Station accreditation. You will build knowledge systematically to understand the role of a police station representative. The webinars will develop the skills required to communicate, negotiate and represent a detained person, providing accurate advice that meets the required standards of performance and maintaining the correct level of professional conduct.
Click here to view the PSRAS Theory Prep Course and Watch the Preview
The Common Offences with Colin Beaumont:
Offering guidance on the most common offences which candidates will have to deal with at the police station.
Police Station Portfolio and Critical Incidents Test Additional Support:
A 1-hour round-up of what to consider when writing up your Portfolio and when preparing for the CIT
Please click the links below for further details regarding each assessment and for a copy of our assessment timetable.
To request an invoice, please contact the Accreditations Department on 0151 236 2024.