in this section. We're trying to raise our game a little much. What we spoken out for the individual, concerned with dealing face to face over the phone with very types of clients and to manage their situation and managed well we're looking at here is the raising our game to the closed again between clients expectation and experience, because if they expect good service but they experienced anything less than good service, there is this quality gap. So as we see as we unfold this quality gap model, there is opportunity for more than just the support staff. It includes all the other people within the firm and current facing functions from the part time receptionist right the way through to the kind care partner. So please use this as an opportunity to share ideas on make a team approach to closing those gaps incrementally to make sure that the expectation of goods services actually matched experience. The model has been developed by market research looking at each area, So if you were to get just for example, in looking client research on client satisfaction, then the five areas could be looked at separately, so understanding the model being applied the model in practice and see where those gaps are to close those gaps down not in a novelistic way but in an incremental individual weight. Each stage so powerful, improving client. Obviously, it starts with kind and understanding. So let me talk you through the model, dwell on each step to a great degree. Why? Because the note's do look. A much more information would be possible in the time, according, but it is worth exploring not only where those gaps are but also more importantly, what we could do to close the gaps up, which will look at after we explored the model. So above this line, we have the client below the line. We have your firm, and there will be gaps between the various levels. If you think about clients, they know something about lawyers, law firms, professional service providers generally, because they talked to somebody, they talked him over coffee at lunchtime work. They talk to somebody down the dog and fox over the weekend or something like that, wherever they're going socially. Let's face it. I think that the professions generally, whether that's bankers or independent financial advisers, pension people, accountants, lawyers can get a very, very bad press from time to time. So an individual with a well that in mind brings their own personal needs. And I know having bought a house or sold the house, my needs were far more different than anybody else across the whole country's ever bought or sold a house. Why, this is my family very personal to me. And, of course, we have bearing experiences. Good experiences, not so good experiences when all this comes together in some way or another into what shapes on expectation. So the expectation will be a very important part of the overall service delivery. Understand that expectation. But the first gap that can occur is if there's a difference between what the customer expects, given all this past history, what they expect from the firm so that the caseworker be that a paralegal opening the file, taking instruction or somebody more senior. It's the solicitors perception of what the client expects. And if there's difference between those two, then of course, you start off on the wrong foot. So there's your first get having decided that you understand what the client needs, but I should get that wrong. The next gap can occur is you decide well, how will we handle the matter? Service quality specifications. When when we take on work with a client, tell him how long is like take, who will be involved, what their investment will be, what the outcomes they're likely to achieve will define what those things are. But if I earn from my perceptions of what my client wants, then I build in another problem. On this gap between the mansion perception, the actual specifications customer experience creates another gap that needs to be resolved. Okay, so again we can see what we are stepwise getting further away from the expectation of high quality on then from there and number things can happen. One is that we explained to the client what we're doing, said the car. I wanted a particular speed of response, and we think it's a little bit difference on we decided, Well, option in this particular way. And then we'll tell the client what we're doing if that is different from what we said we would do, is different from what the perception waas what they wanted us to do is different from the expectation. Again we now have all these gaps building up so communication, the client delivering those things that God creates more gaps. The difference here is quite important. Of course, here, firms need ordered the differences on each of those levels. Then, of course, those communications get received on. The upshot of that is that the perceived service that they get is so much different from the overall expectation. So each of these stages we're seeing, we're building up greater and greater problems for ourselves on no wonder they get on the phone and complain to you. So this model, being developed for some time, is fully researched based on studies, working with by its working with a client organizations toe understand what their customers think about the organization Drink service. So what is going on in each level is worth exploring within your own firm. Andi, decide what effects those gaps. Well, mind the Gap common thing for railway platforms, of course, but what can affect the gifts? These are summarized on page 40. I'm not gonna drill on them, but just highlight and again you depending Teoh that what's going on? As we saw the confidence off understanding off, listening off, responding appropriately is absolutely fundamental, and all people involved in the service delivery need to have the competence and skill to deliver that treating people with courtesy is not necessarily a given your experience with other service providers. I'm sure when a test that we, in delivering good service, needed to deal that with politeness and respect. And, of course, it is very, very much one of the key principles that the s R A your regulator is concerned about. That is equality, diversity on courtesy within that having the credibility is important from the point of view. Are you trustworthy? When you've said to somebody where you could leave a message with May, I'll contact the solicitor concerned caseworker and I will make sure that she turns back well, Are you credible when you say that they are very, very important because you become the friend off your firm when you are acting in those moments of interaction with clients, Security element is whether or not people feel that they're going to get the value for money. They expect costs are going to go out of kilter with the matter concerned. Do with that security from anxiety, the financial security for all different elements of that security drive that people have when engaging you. Accessibility is to do with the approachability off contact, and I'm sure you've dealt with people. Is a customer in retail situations where somebody until is probably not about stress they're under. That's helpful they might be, so they don't become accessible to you to talk to together solution to the problem. So accessibility may be broadly from a firm point of view. Can I phone a particular hours? Can I phone a lunchtime on obvious thing? But accessibility people is important. Moving on well, communication is a whole subject in itself, indeed, a day to law program of itself but using the appropriate language in ways that they understand equality. Diversity comes in here explaining things in the right way, explaining about costs, explaining what you'll do, explaining about how your handle particular problem will become important on making an effort to understand individual needs. Common things that Colin we hear that have said it enough during this program. But individuals need to know that they are being listened to. Their individual concerns are very, very important. Five year. If you're in a job, may not be particularly pulled with somebody who is on benefits, for example. So there's a massive difference there between the perception or a few pounds in the pocket. And obviously enough. What affects gaps? Well, things that like tangible things that whether you're rooms that people waiting, they consulting rooms, the meeting rooms where they're comfortable, those tangible things, whether the information they get is being presented in the right way. Spending somebody's name correctly is a tangible example of listening and collecting the right information, so that becomes very, very important. Terms of quality service reliability has to do with the ability to deliver services promised. It's part of that. Credibility is part of that competence. There were inter related to make sure that if something has a two o'clock appointment, they have a appointment. I'm not kept waiting in the waiting room for a long period of time on that the practice is responsive to an individual needs away levels, so readiness and willingness of employees to do a particular piece of work in a particular way and in the right time, So okay, uh, very straightforward summary, if you like off the various components that affect the gaps. So remember, if you know the model, you can then start to research the gaps. When you research gaps, you begin to see from this list here what you need to address, you know, close up again between an expectation of excellent service, which is what your Web page tells clients, right the way through to the reality of filtering it, throwing up the relationship that Canada has confirmed. There's from the author's off the original model, a simple explanation of how one deal with some of the problems to look at the issue from another point of view. They are related to keeping promises, having reliability, to make sure things actually happened, that you are conveying trust on assurances that it won't cost more than they say caseworkers. That it will achieve the outcomes that you're talking about. Conveying that trust to individuals, that the explanations become very tangible, making real from the physical aspects of the practice and the physical aspects of the documentation is provided and so forth, making very realistic to recognize that you understand when people are going through difficult situations. You may not have been through the same situation as your client, but you have been through difficult situations, we all do, so we can empathize with the fact that they feel upset and angry and so forth on then. Responsiveness is just doing what you say. You do not from the Nike point of view sports clothing, but just doing what you said you would do is an important element of it all. So when kinds do put their hands up on point, the finger at you, they're all smiling. So responsiveness is obviously very, very crucial. Lots more in the notes hope that was useful. But let's remember, one very important thing about excellent client service is make sure that you delight a client again and again. But if there's a problem, you recover brilliantly. This is from the guy that helps in our first telephone banking first direct, so delighted client again and again that if you fail, recover brilliantly on that will make a really positive impact on the advocacy that your clients have for your firm. Which brings us then to a team approach to client care. I think we must appreciate that all the activities bother law firm involved some sort team, whether that's receiving the first phone call passing through to his worker for dealing with somebody else's more senior, more experienced in particular area, dealing with the matter, cost information and possibly even going forward to recover. This team approach to what's going on in client care is very important, and some of things that we've helped practices with is to understand the process of client engagements and, indeed, how individuals could affect the process and then pass on to the next person in that process to ensure that they continued service standards being maintained on that one person does something very well. The next person in the chain doesn't equally well to manage the current expectations and make improvements along the way. So these two things about team approaching process mapping do become very, very important and having experience to be able to understand what's going on from a client's perspective on make those changes is really what it's all about. So this section here looks at the number of things to do with the client interaction over a period of time. Each of those steps that I've mentioned are in fact moments of truth for our client. It's whatever you say on your Web page. Whatever their experience was last time, whatever they heard from a friend who recommended you, it's about this moment off truth for individuals. So, uh, covered there in the notes on Page 43 we are looking at various moments of truth. A lot more of this is Don't within marketing programs that we've run, but it's worth realizing. What stages people go through on the ultimate moment of truth is whether they like enough to be an advocate for your firm. I recommend you to somebody they know who might need the same sort of service that you provide legal services. So zero truth they'll never know anything about you until they come and find you. So searching for you is very important. Now those of you sitting there saying, Well, it's all about Google. It's all about a search engine. I have to disappoint you because the S. R. A's own studies revealed that only 10% off clients actually make a raw search. In other words, I have a problem. Get online. I need a solicitor in whichever town s only 10% of parents will do that. Most often, clients will take a recommendation or some other communication from somebody else. Maybe direct from your self by advertising or doing something that brings people to your door or getting a recommendation from another person. Maybe a referral state agent says. Well, here's a two or three sisters in the area that will help you give me to cool it. Maybe through looking at a directory like yell dot com, rather than just a rule search. Hence the need to get those moments of truth to the real peak as we get through. So they haven't found you. That's it. They're zero moment of truth. Zero interaction. Well, so far, so obvious, then the first moment of truth is when they find you when they find you, it may mean that they have been recommended by 1/3 party, a friend or another business relationship, and they go find you. Then they may look online to sexual Web page. They then find your telephone number on. If they can find you and your telephone number, then you've got that first moment of truth covered the second boat. Truth, of course, is having found you. They engage with you so that finding moving forward is maybe foot, making that phone call, talking to somebody, perhaps in a support position, to be put through to a particular person to advise on. Then the process continues until that client is engaged. That is a second of fundamental moment tree. Get that wrong, and they won't go any further with you on the move on elsewhere. So, as you see in the zero moment of truth right me through to the second, a moment of truth is what it's all about because they engage you on. You get removed, aerated in some guise or another directly from them indirectly or whatever it might be. That would be that moment of truth for the final. The ultimate remember truth is whether they share that positive experience with others. So much of what we're trying to do to raise our game close. Those five Gap suspect about is the ultimate ultimate moment of truth that they tell somebody else they know who has a similar problem about you. And that is the advocacy that I've been talking about so much as we go through this program. It's that marketing advocates that you have amongst your client group who like you enough to tell other people. Okay, Well, with that in mind, let's have a look at some of the processes off kind engagement. Now, these are important to track from a number of points of view. What we're going to do on this is page 44 process a client engagements, a stepwise process where we have some of the zero moment truths right through to I know I need support from a legal practitioner or right the way through to booking an appointment on arriving at your offices for that first meeting. Now, that sounds like a a fairly straightforward thing. It must happen quite a lot. Well, this is the process began to look at each stage. One I want you to do is you'll see all the stages laid out there. Workbook, What I want you to dio when I've explained stages means for you with other people. You may be watching this. Sharing this with bubbles in the firm is to say what Earth could possibly go wrong at each stage that you could have some impact on to do something about it on seconds that after that is toe. What remedy? What solution? What did you do in the practice to deal with the problems identified. Okay, so when it comes to the first thing, what could possibly go wrong? Clearly, driving to your offices, the car could break down the car could be involved in an accident. Well, yeah, that could go wrong, but you can't really? Influence was, you know, a car mechanic. Another you directing traffic, so that could go wrong. But you clearly have no influence on that. Sorry all that. What could go wrong in each stage, like driving to your offices will explore those. And then what remedy could you put in place that would deal with the problem that you've identified? That's within your remit was doing that little caveat to make sure that we get focus on what we can actually make a difference. So okay, current says look of legal problem. Okay, I want to sell this house. I need to move because my job I need to move because I wanted down. So it's a moot because a lot of upside whatever the reason is that somebody wants to move. They may say, I realized I have a legal problem, whatever that is. And there's the 1st 80 moment of truth that didn't find you. But let's assume that they look up your phone number now. They may look up your phone number in the directory or yell dot com or their own yellow pages. We still have this book by the whole table where the phone is. So they look up your phone number. They may get a recommendation and look for your phone number online. Whatever it is, they look up the phone number, get your phone number and they make that telephone call. That's fairly straightforward. Not a lot wrong there. I'm having made the phone call phone ring and they'll speak to somebody who answers the phone, possibly somebody at reception. They talked reception style for the telephone staff on. They discussed what the situation is on may be put through to somebody else, but the option is kind. Will make an appointment. Coming, explained the situation in more detail. Brings my identity. Do the anti money laundering, whatever it is they've got. Do they gotta make appointment. Let's suppose this is face to face. So, as I said, they hope in the car and drive to your offices. Drive to your legal practice on, then park the car. Maybe you got a car park, maybe down the road, parked car somewhere that suppose that your office is your your client Car park. Many firms Do you have some sort of parking nearby? Set, Of course, major cities enters. Maybe that's different and then enter reception. So he is a step miles process. It's a step after step after step. It sounds like we're breaking down to the very finer detail, but as you'll see, there's individual steps where there could be something that you could have influenced go wrong in a stage on. Then we'll identify what remedies you can put in place. Now. The simplest way is to do absolutely nothing. At this point, just listen to me little on a bit more to explain each step, or better than that stopped the film. Think on your own about each debt. What could possibly go wrong on? Then we'll discuss what options you have as a legal practice to remedy those problems produced the hurdles barriers to success next age, or you can talk with colleagues and develop a team approach to solving the problem. Personally, I prefer you stop and have a look and see what the problem is and what solution you can bring to bear now are jog your long to think about what first problem could bay having identified that they have a legal problem. Why wouldn't they look up your phone number? Well, I can tell you what might be is that the while they recognize having a legal problem they're gonna make who knows a bit about it. They go to the Systems Advice Bureau. They phone another provider. They decide to do online conveyancing or whatever for non line will or whatever else it might be. Lots, lots of options there. So I'll go back this line to this one on. I'll invite you to stop the film, write your own issues that you could identify. It could possibly happen. I'll go through all my ideas. And then second step that you see on screen is what remedy could the practice put in place to deal with the problems? Unidentified. Okay, well, let's have a look and see what we've got. The first step is, as we said, that they could be realizing they're gonna legal problem. But a friend recommend somewhere else, the thinking friend who could help them? Who knows a bit about this? Citizens Advice Bureau phones. Another provider searches online, doesn't find you. Find somebody else whatever it might be. So you may have similar sort of the issues, but you could add to your list on page 44 because we're going to come back and think about what we can do to remedy some of these problems. Looks up your phone number Well, I have seen many of Web page of law firms because I have spoken conferences on marketing, and I have to tell you that there are plenty with law firms out there who's telephone number is not on the opening landing pages on the contacts part of it. So they open up your page. They have a look around. They see all sorts of things going on, all sorts of things, whizzing past and uploaded, and so on and so forth. They're on a mobile phone on their searching. That way that sites, not mobile enabled already is the contact point. Isn't it obvious? Get fed up and they go find somewhere else more while searching online, they find another firm or another provider. Maybe it's an alternative business structure that is different from the sort of structure that you have, but the adequate alternative, these instructions that they are. But they are inevitably different on. Maybe they don't find you on again. They could go back to Citizens Advice Bureau, another provider or whoever it might be. So a zero moment truth still exists because they still haven't found you. Let's suppose they overcome all those hurdles and they make a call. So apart from the fact that the number may be recorded incorrectly and I've seen emails from people who have the contact telephone number incorrect on the email puts up, maybe it's recorded wrong elsewhere. Maybe it's not recorded incorrectly making the phone. He's engaged. Maybe there's no answer. That's all. Those sorts of problems may occur inside because they're impatient. Legal problem. They found out from somebody else. Let's supposing they talk, the phone gets answered, is responded to by somebody professional lately conceiving ends. But the individual is not helpful. That is helpful. There. Provide the solution that can't find something that experience to deal with that particular matter at the moment. So they put on hold, then there's a ring around while the correspondent holders somehow lose the incoming call or something like that. But let's suppose that they find appropriate lawyer who has facing the diary and puts the appointment, but then discovered that can't be seen the urgency which they feel is necessary. All the usual person handles that is not in. There's no convenient time because this person has a job when they can't get time off because of their particular issue. They gotta wait till evening or weekend, and you don't working weekend so they can make an appointment with you. But it's supposed to do making a point with you, and they hop in the car and they drive practice. No, not suggesting George dealing with brute site services or anything like that, but said, ignoring all the car breakdown so so forth you can influence accidents and traffic. But driving to your offices, what could possibly go wrong there? Well, maybe they can't find your offices. Maybe they arrive elsewhere. Maybe they realize that your practice has a number branches on unwittingly, they arrive at the wrong branch. Don't tell me that hasn't happened. Or indeed, they go off to a firm and then find another firm when they arrive at that. Hang on a minute. I've come to a law firm. But was that a firm I wanted in the first place? So that was the right place. Now maybe they pump the car. What could go wrong there? Well, it may be that you have no space in your car. Park on may therefore have to go park somewhere else. Maybe they didn't have changed for the off road parking. Maybe they have got locked onto the parking applicator that that everybody has. Maybe they car park itself is poorly little. The lights don't come on. Do remember people coming after work can be late in the afternoon, several months of the year. It is very light at the end of the day so that they can't necessarily find their way. And I have myself arrived in a car park, found some car parking space, but the office is oddly the open the door to it wasn't clearly signed. Town centre, lots of other officers going on. But from where I parked, I was having to run around like a bit of a Muppet, not knowing where I was going until I eventually saw the sign that was on the street side, not anywhere near where I was. Parking star vengeance they might have been but not signal is being blocked and co or whatever so problems there with parking on, then another problem could be the engine reception on. So the problem goes on even more so that is because the reception isn't handing the issue in the right way. So having got that written out, by all means, pause any time you want to take a note of that added to your list on page 44 what I'd now like to do is to consider what options we got to deal with all of those problems as they present themselves. Okay, um, pause for that that moment. Thes the problems. The second part of the question Waas what could you do to make sure that these barriers a reduced or eliminated altogether the things that you can effect team approach have a chance and people see what you could do a lot more interesting to hear what your thoughts and ideas are, and then I'll share with you my own. Okay, well, I hope your discussion was useful because your ideas are much more useful than necessarily my ideas because they're the ones that identify with your legal practice, your own firm. So what can we do when Step one the client identifies that they have a legal problem? Where is a lot of things you could do to make your firm a center of excellence excellence in legal services, excellence in client services as well? That means that your firm will be known within your particular sectors, geographically or technical sectors as a centre of excellence of much of what you do will affect that. So okay, there's the first thing. Yes, they identified the problem and your publicity awareness where you are, who you are on. What you do is there that you've got Web pages that work properly, that you've got the right codes built within your Web page. So search engine optimization isn't something got spend the extra on or unnecessarily, for example, so in terms of finding or phone number over mentioned, that number may not be on your landing page. Well, that's obviously an important thing to put right. It's it's bold. They're not just on the contacts tap some drop down menu across the top of the screen, so why not make sure that clients gets something very, very simple? Now I know that we are talking about the multi day with smartphones and so forth. So how many of your regular clients have your number in their smartphone? Well, two things to think about. If people will be calling from an officer from home, then what could you do to give them a a reminder off your telephone number. Now, whether that is a coaster, whether it is something as modest er's printing out on label small able circular labels or something, your name, your phone number. And then they can put that in there card index system next to their phone on front of the Yellow Pages fridge magnets on the fridge whenever it is that gets your number promoted because we're talking modern day here with mobile phones, smartphones and so forth. Then do you have a QR code on your communications so that people can scan that and then get then your number into their contact list on their mobile phone? So even a reception when people arrive receptions could say, Well, thank you very much for coming in. Have you scan our QR code on, then you'll in bed our number to make it easy for you to dial the perfect number. According so something to think about that so that people find your number quickly on. Remember, I know exactly where the number is off the law firm we bought my house with because we have things like that that bring it to our attention very quickly. So when I needed to sort out smell lasting part attorney if you exactly where the number waas so plenty of ideas board just in that little spot on the screen to think about how you make sure your clients find you first time and indeed, comm Pass it on Because phones from talk to phones, people can share your contact details. So when somebody says, Well, I need some help. Who would you recommend? Click, click Bluetooth exchange your number and shared with somebody else. So I used the current methods of electronic communications much more successfully. It makes a phone call. Well, what can you hear there? Well, the first thing is to identify with your surveys plant survey system, the phone system, find out from people who sit in your waiting on for a few minutes waiting for an appointment. Give him a very simple card postcard size and asked questions about the phone doesn't get answered promptly. Do they have put on hold too often? Are they annoyed by the sound of the thinking music or whatever it is is going on? Ask it in the right way professionally to find out about the phone system. Does it work? And you won't know whether kinds keep getting engaged home unless you find out by housing's and people. Then it comes to people answering the phone. What do we do there? Well, yeah, I would say this wouldn't get others to watch this film shared around on so forth. Well, yes, that is one. But also you've got a workbook as well, to share with people to get other people to think about it, develop a team approach to everybody, making a contribution. Now, when it comes to making the kind appointment obviously sort out the appointment system on, you may say, Well, I think it's robust but continues. Researching from a client's perspective, I've often said to put yourself in the client shoe on. Find out whether or not you can sort out your point system successfully. Firms will do this in different ways, but I do know with your back to my own experience of conveyance, sir, if I need a 7 a.m. appointment with my companion, So I get a 7 a.m. Appointment. Why? Because she worked flexibly early some mornings and so forth. So that's sort out those contacts, your point system in the right way. They're driving to practice. I'm not talking about cars breaking down. As I said before, What I'm talking about is, can every person in your firm direct callers from four points of the compass to your offices? Now you see everybody in your office goes to your office from where they live or working days, so they know the route from where they are to where you are. But could they be able to direct? Others need to visit your firm from 20 miles away from the opposite direction, and it is surprising how often you phone I've done this myself. I found the practice and I said, I'm trying to find you on There's over you can Google map it Well, I have Google maps on my phone, but I don't do is use my phone to find my way When I'm driving. I like to print out a copy of the map. I'll take verbal instructions on. I have found, even with Google maps that if the signal's not there or the APP doesn't work on my back, she's run a charge. I would need to guidance by somebody else. Phone. So simple matter. Have a team approach. Discuss it with people who know directions from north, south, east and west. Write it down on a very simple expression so people could be given instructions verbally over the phone any time they are answering the telephone to external core and can guide people very clearly from the north from the bypass coming from the South. Coming off that your carriageway, whatever it might be that you actually have covered that. So make sure that you do have the maps direction sign inch that there it is. There on pdf so you could be emailed is an attachment that it is there on Web pages, but it is also there, verbally over the phone, but we don't have any of the above and to park in the car and come specked by the next next door offices. Knock it down with a car park in. If you don't have a car park, you don't have a car park. That said, I have been to car parks that really are because of their location around the buildings. When it's windy, picks up leaves, it picks up litter, but it dumps it in the car park. So okay, look at the facilities management sort out. Who's going to do what to make sure it gets cleaned appropriately by appropriate people in the right way, the right time that their waste bins and used appropriately that the lighting is appropriate on. Remember accessibility in the early mornings, when it's dark in the late evenings, when it's dark as well. Look at those to sort it out on. Then finally, of course, one about entering reception. Well, what could go wrong? They just take the clients for you. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Does it sound like it's somebody amongst the support staff that champion off the reception? Yes, you've got a office cleaners that come in at the end of the workday, but who clears away some of the other things, straightens up the magazines and newspapers? Who takes charge of that? Take the kinds of you. Then you may find that people are arriving on feeling pretty chuffed about things. Okay, well, that's taken a while to go through. But I hope you realize that this process of just hey, I need help from a lawyer arriving in your office is is a very straightforward process. But as we've seen here with eight steps, there are lots of things that could go wrong. We looked at the first set seven steps, and maybe we got three or four in each of those steps. That could be 20 or so problems that have to be overcome on here. We've got some ideas that we could share, adding to the ones I hope that you've come up with to begin to solve. These problems make the whole process a little bit better. So again, that's the sort of process mapping that is so important for managing the clients experience. So it takes a successful team to do that sort of work over page on page 45. 46 very straightforward ideas on successful team building. Don't want take up tremendous amount of time by reiterating what's already written in front of you, but you'll recognize that the ideal team is a group of people whose support of each other means performance is greater than the sum of its parts. A team can achieve a lot more than on individual working on his or her so successful team building. Do you remember when you're looking at a team problem? It's just making sure that the reception is clean and tidy is not a team exercise. It's an individual on an individual occasion on another individual on another individual occasion, but mapping the processes we have done discussing the problems, discussing potential solutions and taking action to make sure those things we talked about are put in place. He is a team, but I hope you get support around you to do that, then decide very clearly what the aim off that team is. It's got a particular focus in mind. It's supposed to come up with some solutions, not wishy washy. General, let's make client care better. Team. It's gonna be pretty clear what it's trying to make better then decide the approach by the approach. I mean, how will you designed that you will work together? What's the values that you have as a group working together on a particular problem? Then make sure that you get the team together, sort out the dynamic sort out the general role. Brabham dive straight in to right. You did this. You do that, you do the other. It's about storming, forming the team, getting the ideas together on then agree the ground rules think meetings does for us to frustrate May when people are somehow too busy for the team. What if you're five minutes late on that six people sitting in the room waiting for you, then you just wasted 30 minutes off time because that's all the people six off five minutes each. At 30 minutes, you've wasted by being five minutes late. So agree a better way of working. Decide what your strengths are. Decide who does what what they bring together, what people are able to add value to mostly for the group they're working on. Even you lead a team and you may have a head support staff here. Senior secretaries, senior paralegals, all indeed others within the firm who are leading a client care team. Do you remember the good leaders are part off the team as well. Andi. They make sure that we keep the focus to the second point here. The aim is being focused on on check that the team isn't running off in another direction. Manage meetings properly. Everybody feels as if it's an opportunity to share ideas, share best practice, agree outcomes and so forth. And then finally, make sure that when you've achieved something, that team then go on to other areas, not just hang about. A. Some curious team just meets because they always did meet on the third Thursday very quick on that, uh, no policy you for that, because all the notes in there, but it is important. Think if you're going to take client care seriously, it's a team approach, successful team building, important part of that process. Analysis is important, and your ideas in Seoul in the problems in those processes is of course, very, very important. So I think that will then move on not only from the point of view of teams, but we're all sitting and smiling on thumbs up While everybody's happy, let's go and have a look at adding value to what you do in your role, and it's called managing the boss.