Hello and welcome to you. Listening online to this Legal Aid Supervisors program on my name's Mack Mukai I want to make me to do Here is to put a little addendum to the 2018 program. We recorded the supervisors program a few years ago, the content of which hasn't materially changed. But clearly the specifications for the requirements supervisor has changed slightly. So I would draw your attention to some of those bits and pieces as we go through. So what's it all about? Well, two things that we're looking at here is what's changed? 2000. 17 2000 and 18. There's an update here. We need to be aware off. What have I done? While I've gotta have look online as you can Dio, I'm sure you've done to get hold of the standard crime contract standard terms that were there on also the specifications 150 pages to one off, um, 90 or so pages to the other. Now what I haven't done, of course, to go through the whole lot on what you're not paying me to do is to buy from data law. May reading these things out to what I'm doing here is just to pick out those bits and pieces that relate to the supervision of people. And you'll say that the content program hasn't changed because after all, in a few years, people haven't changed, even if the standard terms and specifications may have done so. But moving forward for 2018. We're also looking at the the new documentation for the civil legal advice that in Terms 2018 covering a number of different areas that housing family discrimination, education and so on so forth. So you'll see that they are substantively the same as standard crime contract, even to the point of some of the subsections haven't seen Number two. There's a lot of commonality there. Uh, they C. L. A. Does have a lot of different annexes, depending on the type of work you do on. There are subtle differences in the hours working in the numbers involved in, for example, prison law compared to some other areas. Now, if that's your bag, then clearly that's the annex you have a look for. So what I've done here is just pick out from the next one. The civility advise specifications 2018 on Just get a bit of a guide from there. Mr. What's going on? Because the end of the day it's all about meeting the legal aid agency supervisor requirements, and we've explored the guidance there. As far a supervisor requirements any training of supervises concerned to make sure that the completion of those documents is a straightforward and you can indeed comply. Now, like all the data, little programs we do provide a workbook, will you be able to get hold off my additional pieces here? The attendant is there on right on the front page. Do note that this is nowhere near a substitute for reading the documentation. It is not a substitute for going into the detail that you need to, because I'm not covering 150 pages of key directions that you'll need on the standard terms specifications because it covers far beyond my remit to deal with the supervision of individuals. But it's well worth having a look at that. So be aware that this addendum has got a dozen or so pages I put it printed out in front of Maybe keep it is a Elektronik copy on. It picks out various bits and pieces. I'm not gonna read page by page from here. But just pick out a bit of a guy off the things that you should be aware off when you're getting involved in this work. So these are the two substantive pieces that I look at the stand crime contract and the Civil legal Nice contract standard terms. So to remember that the key element for you to decide this isn't the guidance to civil supervisor requirements said that they're not promoting promoting a holding an approved list of supervisor training organisations, and it's really up to you to decide which off the providers will meet your specific needs. So is the course going to cover the key skills that are required? Now? We just run down that list. You're seeing these in the guidance managing activities, supporting resources, developing your own working relationships, productive team performance, being with individuals to achieve their objectives on dealing with poor performance. And we've already said on you'll find this in the version that we created a few years back, that the content meets the requirements off the This is Conte Mark and you'll see within their that the content is expected to cover some of the key elements, and you'll see the sort of things cropping up that are maintained for 2000 and 17 18. Going forward on, you'll not be surprised. Run down this list that that's exactly what our program is aiming to cover. So not gonna reemphasize this anymore. You'll find this within the content because the program is all about improving the performance off the team of people that you supervise. Any one person is going to be a team of to you on the caseworker, so our program covers the areas of briefing and assessing work. Looking at what's required, this addendum looks at the recent changes in those two areas. Instead, crime contract on the Civil Legal advice specifications. Well dealing with motivation off people, how you manage people effectively your style. How that adapts, is people learn conflict team meetings on. But the key thing that action plan. Remember that this program is unusually inasmuch as you have online versions to have a look at some content, but also we invite you to get together with me and some others of your peers who are working in a similar sort environments to you dealing with everyday problems, and we explore a 90 minute conversation. Issues did you have raising from the program of sharing that learning other people quite a richness of information. It's from that that I've discovered one or two things with highlighting as we take this forward, let's now turn to the standard terms within the crime contract. 2017. As I said before that this program is no way intended to be a substitute from the information contained with it. So this is where you'll find the contract terms PDFs. You could download those get hold of the full detail 150 pages or being 90 pages in the specifications. It's important to get hold of that, of course, and I'm sure you will have done that. What I've done is to pull from that text to put it into the work. But those with this attend, um, to give you a structure, an idea of what's going on. So just to cherry pick one or two bits and pieces, remember that in your firm, a supervisor means both your staff or indeed if you supervise third parties as well. So that's something, as I say, that came out from the discussion forms we've had its recognizing. It's not only just your employees, but other third parties that you may have and as a guide to those areas as well. Uh, remember that in order for you to maintain a standard contract book, you must hold the corn standard that's identified there in Section 10.2. By that, of course, means that you've had training that covers those areas within that quality standard. And you'll see has explained promo on din the introduction here that the content off course meets those requirements off that quality standard as far as having these skills as the supervisor having that training in order to take that forward. So making sure that what you're doing when you are managing people that they do have the skills and the confidence and the capacity to do work on. That's why you'll see on the program. We look at how you handle people who have very modest experience a little bit. Mawr. What's the next stage of learning third stage fourth stage when they're fully competent, capable on have the capacity to do the work with minimal supervision. So you being a reflection all style is a very important element of being a good professional supervisor, and that's really the sort of things that we're looking at. So that's the issues to deal with their talking about things like taking appropriate action if things don't go well. And therefore, what is the appropriate sort of training and we'll talk on the program. The difference between instructor, trainer, a coach and a mentor as far as applying the relevant training for different four people at different stages off their knowledge, experience, skills, confidence to do the work. So that's where we cover there. If you didn't move on a little bit to have a look at the standard crime contract specifications, separate document your see this is substantially the same. What's been there in other elements moving forward on the program We run meets that what it does say, Of course, you must employ minimum one full time equivalent supervisor so more modest firms 1 may be sufficient. But then, when we look at the number of people that you supervise, you'll see that some firms will need to have a farm or than one full time equivalent supervisor, so that's put up there within the notes. So that's what's meant by full time. Well, that's five days a week, seven hours a day, not including breaks in the office actually doing the work. And, of course, those of you doing legally what chuckled the idea of a 35 hour week. But that's for another matter. So that's the key thing on then, which is quite important to remember. Supervisors must during their working hours, except when they're tennis court or digging clients or police station prison work. They must work for one or any combination off offices. So, in other words, a supervisor cannot perform his for her duties as a supervisor by working from home substantially. So something to be aware off going forward. Sure, none of you would be looking to breach that particular requirement. That's worth highlighting that because, of course, people who are doing a variety of work, particularly working if with courts and so on and so forth and other venues may have different amounts of time when they're actually in the office space. A key requirement on then, of course, that you may actually advisor, but no more than two off your offices again. This is about being present when the work being done they don't want people to be supervised remotely or virtually no words just on the phone or through Skype or some other device or just by email. It's about presence and face to face. Work is important topic, and that's their within the notes. You'll see that picked up on that. Highlighted that for obvious reasons. Let's have a look going forward then at the supervision standards. What are they all about? A. What's the key requirement there? See from the notes? There's a lot mawr within the information we provide. Workbook covers some of the standards. All supervisors have gotta meet their supervisory skills standards, and that's about supervision, completing training within the last 12 months and so on. So forth, or N. V. Q. Qualification says a variety of ways in which one could meet the requirements. So you could decide which is the best way that you will achieve this. I'm sure you'll feel as many do that date. A little meets the requirements in such a flexible on good value for money way that you can access this at different times, places from whatever device, and also then have those reviews and we've had people log onto the review theme the 90 minute Webinar a couple of years later, one of the training. But I'd like to log on to have a conversation that was just to keep myself up to date with what's going on. So different ways of doing it a lot more detail. They're not excusing this. We don't really want me to read stuff to you, but very important. Get into the details. It's there. It makes a note about a full time equipment supervisors. How many people that they can supervise? You see here a full time. It couldn't supervisor may supervise maximum four designated fears or caseworkers within particular areas off the static crime contract on. In fact, it's just in prison law that there is a maximum of up to six people. That's because the bomb works around and so on, so forth. So be very aware of that. If prison door isn't your bag, then you don't have to worry about it. But everywhere else, then four designated feelings or caseworkers and therefore, if you are managing people who are doing Norman casework supervisor supervising support staff, then there is no limitations with looking at the details far supports done for concerned. Okay, well, let's have a look then, at the civil legal advice, the contract here is that in terms across the areas that you can see on screen, and as I mentioned before, these are substantially very similar to the standard crime contract, and they have a lot in common again. Do remember that this is no substitute for getting over? The right documentation is relevant to you on getting hold of that. This is in the notes. You can get hold of that on. Check out what's online. Look at somebody. What I've done here is to show what's going on within particular areas to give you a bit of a guide around it. So you know where you're headed again. It looks at supervising both staff and the parties, is what that means subcontractors on so forth on when it looking at standards of work, holding the quality standard and you'll see here the same clauses. Same numbering is there within the particular framework in the data log program will meet your requirements here as far as supervising people as people are concerned, but clearly there's a lot more to it when it has to do with practices at work, practicing in the work, having experience in a particular area of law and so forth on that because it's pertinent to you, which may be different from others, is important. You get hold off the annex that's relevant to you. Do the people have the right skills? Competence? Capacity? Well, we talked about this on. You'll find on the program that we could talk about different levels of skills, confidence, capacity on what you do to improve people's ability to do a job. Reemphasizing this, putting it involved on screen. The standard terms are, as set their substantially the same. But do please check the annex and there's work that are relevant to you. Make sure that you address those particular areas. What I've done just for illustration is to take an X one. First. One list has a number off them off doesn't also. This is dealing with the specifications on it says here. As you can see, you must have one full time equivalent supervisor in each category. Full time equipment, therefore, means that 35 hour week explain breaks on at all times during their working hours except as required by court. All kinds work from the office and again exactly as you'd expect have exceeded in the standard crying contractor. Working from home is not an option was former supervising people is concerned so in that respect, and this is where the numbers come in in terms of the relevant category of law casing bomb standard 350 hours in each off the last three years, and you must explore what is meant by the minimum maximum allowances on supervisors to meet the particular hours so important. Important to get a handle on that. There is notes in there about delegating some of the functions of a supervisor to deputy supervisor that's contained in there as well. So that's what you're doing. It applies to some firms not all. Then again, important to do that. So the case involvement stand that which is defined there must be explored for your particular area. Work on as you'll see if you look document setting. When I looked at the end of 2017 had the listing off, the subsections didn't follow strict alphabetical listing. It went a to e to F G. What happened to something else? I don't know but that's a minor point. Supervising standards is what it's all about. So what have we got here? Rain since mustard in place to ensure that each supervisor conduct their role effectively, both in terms of having time to do the supervision on time in each of the offices where it is being conducted. So again, remember, you've got limitations on the number of officers that you can cover on that you must indeed give the amount of time to it. And I think this is something that comes up very often when we talk to supervisors in the balance between their own caseload and melons of clients in the courts and so forth, and also that in mind demands of their staff on, it's clear not going to be sufficient for you spent all your time dealing with their matters and then find you're working late in the night of your clients. It's about organizing on ensuring that you have the right people in the right place. We talk on the program about the one minute manager taking a minute to decide. What does this person need in terms of my intervention to make very, very good use of time, so the level of supervision reflects the skills, knowledge and expertise of each caseworker. On the 62nd the one minute manager is about taking 60 seconds to decide what you need to do to move things forward, so useful content there that help you with that. Then you can't more than four caseworkers, so not December's as you see four standard crime contracts and so forth. Lastly, let's turn them into the requirements of completing the form supervisor requirements, and this is text taken from the basic form. It does refer you here to guidance for advice on how to complete form, and this, therefore is not complete in itself. It's not fulfilling a law requirements, and you must get to the documents that I referred to guide you in completing it. But one part of the section says the supervisor meets the supervisor standards. By having on here, you see completed training covering key similar skills in the last 12 months as one of the options that I hope you'll find that the data or option. It's a bit of fun. Um, Onda gives you the content, gives you the ideas, gives you the support, the workbook and gives you opportunity without him to travel very far to compare notes with other people across the country on the live webinars. So there we go. Do you remember that the legal aid agency doesn't hold on approved list? It's up to you to decide whether the program is going to meet your requirements. And I could tell you that the program that we developed in 2014 still meets the requirements because it does cover these particular areas. How do you give feedback? How'd you give criticism? How do you deal with that? What about teams? How do you function is a team member what you want your team members to do? Handling conflict, work. Those are the sorts of core elements that we're looking at improving the relationship you have from people around you on that I think, makes for a pretty good supervisor. So looking forward therefore, to see you on the program, well, you'll see may. But at the end of it all here, from you on the rather unique webinars hold every month. Thanks. So thanks very much. I've been back. Mukai, This is the update for 2000 and 18. The addition to that on. Looking forward to speaking with you after you've had a look at the program. Thanks very much. Bye for now.