having provided with a comprehensive guide to the marketing mix. And now, recognizing that you, as an individual without having marketing in your top title, have end role to play in marketing the business, applying good business practice, let's turn our attention to the key issue with mark planning. Do you think that, uh, 20% of marking plan being delivered? There's a lot better than 80% of something made up along the way being delivered? Marking planning, I think very important to get the focus, the focus of the organization you got finite amount of time, finite amount of resources on a finite amount of money. And having a good plan means those efforts that you've got of people of time money are directed to those individuals that groups and individuals from which the future prosperity of your firm altered may relies. So, marketing, planning we're gonna have a look at the fundamental outline I put it in this stage of program first, so that gives you some sort of structure to not only your analysis but also through to your planning. So I'll take you through a sort of generic outline of what I'm a marketing plan should look like, so that you have that structure before going in to look at some of the finer tactics to do with up selling. We mentioned in the introduction cross selling on the use of the Internet and so forth. So this is where we give you some shape to it and then enables you then to build your own particular thoughts around it. So moving on from Page nine, when you looked at the what it is that there is target groups or individuals are looking for in the marking mix, then over page from the pages scared and onwards, I've got a marketing plan. I think that if you get your plan down to one sheet of paper two sides plus, then the activities follow from that you've got a plan that will be read, will be reviewed on with any luck will be implemented. So I think we should start with some fundamental questions about your business. I think it's, uh, knowing the questions is part of it, but I think finding the answers to them is going to be yet more fundamental. So the fundamentals need to be answered include these sorts of questions. So What is the objective of your organization? The why of your organization? What do you want to try and achieve? Unlocked Who? Why should clients follow you? Why would they want to buy into what you're doing? And then used the summary that you've used, uh, on page nine to understand the client value on understand the coordinated aspects off the marketing marketing mix? Where do they fit in? So what sort of strategy are you going to take? And I present here three difference or strategies. You may be quite a large entity and therefore can provide particular outcomes for clients at the lowest cost. And now what you got cost leadership. That doesn't mean lowers price. It does mean that you can't call station your high volume firm dealing with journalists to state one conveyancing or personal injury or something like that. You're trying to churn as much as you can as promptly as you can use a good case management systems. Good people on have that rendered Lee low cost per transaction basis to your business? Then that clear steals a march on the competition. Now there's not many firms out there that have cost leadership the lowest cost. What we may have is that your better or different from the competition your differentiation, Maybe the fact that you have some very experience people to provide client solutions, your differentiation Maybe that you're more accessible to clients Remember the convenience off seven seeds that we talked about. Are you different in that respect? Are you able to do open on a Saturday morning to you open earlier in the morning from work day? When you see clients in the evening? What is your differentiator that enables you to steal a march on your competition? Or do you have particular focus? Are you on expert in a given area on, uh, some clients like to know that this is a lie that you do on. Therefore you're not generalists. So different approaches that you have now dimensional three. Because sometimes clients clients of ours law firms could believe that they could dual three. Well, you can't be different. Breath, focus and cost leadership because you get stuck in the middle. You get drawn every which way. But identify what your strategy is. Your main approached. The market needs to be understood. Are you online? Only? Are you face to face type of high street firm. What is your strategy? No pressure. Then decide how you're going to break out of the market. And when you take personal injury, are you going to be at the high volume end of the market? The slips and trips that I mentioned? Are you going to be a catastrophic injury? Are you clinical negligence? A catastrophic injury road traffic accident? It's quite different from a clinical negligence matter on so on so forth. So what? How you segmenting the market is a geographically is it by small to medium size enterprises, Large corporate city centre. What is your segmentation? The reason for doing that is that your approach to the market is not gonna be the same each time your focused on that particular sector market. Yes, you're in conveyancing. Is that high net worth individuals in high value properties? Is it convincing for a property developer? Is your property work going to be landlord 10 10 and Tony, are you segmenting it in some other particular way? Then what makes you better? Not from your point of view, but from your kinds. Can you put that down in one line? Because that why you do what you do, maybe something that will highlight why you are different from the others. You seem to be a stack it high and sell it cheaper. Is it the people you employ? Is it something within the marketing mix that makes you better and different from the cards perspective? But then you can say, Well, OK, that's sort of business we've gotten. That's the sort of client we've got, where we gonna find them, both existing clients and our potential new clients. And how do we find us? Is it going to be as it situation with Theo? A. Credit card companies Are you? Or indeed, some retail loyalty schemes were all about customer get customer. Are you looking for referrals? Are they going to come from existing customers? Do they come from your referral sources? Can they come from the property agents in the town? Where is the work of becoming From on then you could say, OK, what are the objectives? How do we approach that particular can? I'll explore what we mean by smart if you have not met that before, a so what this means in the context of your business in order to approach the market in whatever timeframe your plan is due to cover, then we can decide what tools we need to reach clients. Now I'm gonna go through this and they're a little bit more detail, but you can see the sort of structure that's coming from these questions. But once you get an answer, the question then your focus in your marketing plan becomes much clearer for the people within your firm. We're going to read it the people that share your initiatives. Then, when we know all the above, we can decide what is a on appropriate amount of expenditure, enough to achieve what you're able to achieve now. Some firms, of course, we'll look at marketing budgets from organic growth point of view. What profit can we reserve from previous years and use it in subsequent years to stimulate business? Keep it going, some would say, Well, OK, we have an opportunity here to expand, in which case we may look for other sources of funds shareholder, capital, partner equity, banking, all those sorts of things that I put marketing budget down the bottom. Why? Because initials first question how much you can afford to spend will need to spend in order to achieve the objectives that you set out, I do know. And it's a common thing that so many would say. Well, our budget is X tens of thousands. Let's go spend back Well, if you do have a big budget to spend, do let me know because I can win awards for spending your money on your behalf. Oh, by the way, I don't know really want to be successful. If you start on answering the questions before the budget, then your budget when it gets spent is more likely to give you a better outcome than you might otherwise have achieved. So very important. Whole thing comes together. So many questions when you've got those questions answered, and there's nine very key questions there. You can then start to build those better plans that are going to be successful in that work for you. They work because people will follow the plan. People understand the plan. People come tribute, prepare plan, people get ownership plan. I understand what's required and indeed example. Giving in the given in my notice isn't is a plan that we prepared on behalf of firm on the South Coast happens to probated what year it is. But these the key headings that we need to identify thief aims and objectives summarizing there what the aim off the firm is, whether it is to increase market share by fighting new clients, whether you just get more money from existing clients with this trade up with a cross sell. What is the objective of the plan? Duration, which defined it may be obviously on an annual basis or three plan or whatever, so the aims and objectives. Then we turned to identify what makes the firm what it is. The why why clients would want to buy what another key benefits two kinds that engaging your firm will give them that they may not get if they engaged another firm. The key client benefits are obviously going to be very important to clarify on. This is where the seven C analysis is very helpful because it will help you identify what those benefits are, how you approach the market is going to be Internet based. Is it going to be people based? It's going to be through third party and introduction like estate agents or whatever or finance people where your markets going coming from, how you generally approach the market on be very clear about what it is you're trying to offer. That is your sustainable competitive advantage. What makes you better? This should give a bit of joined up sinking to the plan. With that we can I then identify the sort of client we're aiming to attract. That sort of kind would come beat a path to our door. They sort of profile where they may be where they're coming from, and you would have done some of this. But at least it clarifies its client that you're looking for and so forth. The examples of game, the commercial world, the big multinationals, the city center businesses, thes small to medium sized enterprises that sole practitioner, the property developer, the first time buyer, the senior citizen trying to downsize or release equity from their property in order to fund retirement. That's the sort of parity that needs to be there. Why? Because you've got finite amount of money on a finite amount of resources on the kind profiling tells you who is going to be the sort of plant you're looking for, and indeed who is not going to be the client that you're looking for, so that will be very important to define who they are, who those people are with that, then we could say, Well, what activity using going to use in order to approach that particular client group or profile that we've defined? And of course, if you got any activity, then alongside that must be a suggestion to who takes responsibility for that particular activity with networking, more seminars or online or whatever it might be or going out pressing the flesh, going to estate agents for property developers or wherever it might be banks, building societies, whatever line that you have to be involved with on then who has responsibility with what time frame To make sure there's activities followed alongside that. Of course, the budget then used for these particular activities, whether it happens to be publicity's e or paper kick, advertising or responsibility for getting involved in social media and what budgets may be involved for that particular activities. Unless we can see here that what this enables you to do is to have just seven key bullet points to define your plan, then attached that that is to say, should cover them or two sheets of paper and then attached to that will be the activities and responsibility. That's that. So they could be folded up on managed properly. Two pages. Example. I give in the notes. I think it's worth exploring on pages 10 11. This is generally a page and 1/2 for a firm on the South Coast looking at its during it's probate business on then whole long list, all second page and 1/2 all the activities and budget responsibilities. So there you have a business plan for sustain tive amount off work for a firm covers three sheets of paper. Now that focus, it's all the effort. Work that goes into this, of course, cannot be underestimated, but, of course, is very important. In order to make the document become a live document works on. It is plans that work because the rest of it is just meaningless rhetoric. Nice plans that sit on the shelf. People just walk away and get on with work, so I hope you found that useful on duh. See what's being put together. One little tool, I think, is worth exploring before leaving this particular subject and that is trying to identify the strategy, the approach to the market. There's different ways of doing it. What very simple tool. We use it here quite a lot. Using a whiteboard just to scribble on on the wall just behind me in the open sea gets people to engage on to talk about on add to on identify what the strategy is. So what we have in the purple box here is the whiteboard across the top. We've got products and services resisting things that we do, and there are some new services that we might do. And then we've got the markets or client groups that we may be aiming to tend to. This from Mr Ants, Off developed. This matrix, well known in marking world, is a useful tool to help you with that analysis on strategy development, because when you're going to spend money, whether it's your money or your boss's money or your the business owner and it is your profits, Children expending and you want to limit the risk of what you spent. So these four areas where the intersections off the products and services match the markets have bearing levels off risk. I hope you can see a slight shading down to the bottom right hand side as things get a little bit more complex. As with any matrix, the world doesn't fall into four boxes, but it gives some division on. We can see four core strategies. So which is the least risky for you? Well, I'm sure you'll agree that it is going to be existing products to existing market. So we might have a convincing product that we're going to use in the West Midlands, and that's market penetration. We're gonna advertise Maura, Maura, those off to clients getting beating apart or door get the recommendations going and get the estate agents to penetrate the market. We've worked for local phone here in the East Midlands that had six off about 18 or 20 estate agents in the town giving them recommendations, and they thought, no reason why they shouldn't penetrate the estate agent market. Get to know who's people are. Get some recommendations from not all 18 but certainly great from 6 to 8 to 10 to 12 over a particular period times and they'd be penetrating the local estate agent to get more and more recommendations, market penetration. So far, so simple. What's the next level of risk? Well, it run. It depends on who you are and what your situation is. So what I'm about to suggest it is not necessarily going perfectly right for you. But the key message here is that you take a strategic decision to get one way or another, and that is to move either move to your right to move down. And maybe you say, Well, we're convincing. Here in the West Midlands, Onder who hear these movements is doing very well. One of apartments lives over there. So let's open up another office moving from I don't know what Hampton, Teoh, carpentry or North Hampton or something like that. And that's a market extensions of existing products and services and moving them into a new market being geographical market. So we've got our existing, but here we're going for new particular clients, and it may be that if you're in convincing going to private plants, you may say, Well, we can't have your graphically that we could move from private client to property developers. So we're taking our convincing from the private clank into the property developer market and that's our new type of client. Don't have to reinvent what you do. You're just finding a different approach to the market Now that may be, uh, what suits you may also alternatively say Well, actually, if we take our house harbors, we know householders by and large may not have a will. But if they got a property of doing that transaction, they like the cut of our jib. They like what we're doing for them. They like the firm that maybe we could off of them some new services related to property ownership, for example. We could add a will writing service discounted for our compatriots clients. And we could bring in a locum to provide that until we can build the probate part of our business that we didn't have before on that clearly would be a service development without changing geography or client. It just is offering a new service on. So it's up to you to design whether you go with the which of these three particular strategies and you may say, Well, OK, if I get new products and new services to new clients, I may diversifying, but more. This is where the square boxes don't quite work. But that's why the shading is, as we get to Maura, more new type of products and services to more and more new type of clients, diversify away from the core of conveyancing into property services or moving people on I know firm in Milton Keane's. It was very much in residential advancing when the recession hit on. Life became very difficult within the convincing world that they decided to diversify into property search, they recognized lots of businesses were leaving the Southeast coming up. Two of McCain's onda, uh, were able to move their staff. So when big building societies and banks moved to Milk Akin's, they were able to do a turnkey operation to help people fought to properly search, do the conveyancing book the removal firms on. They diversified into property search company away from pure companions and convince was, well, part of it. But they did grow other services, moved themselves into a corporate market, and they've diversified so different strategies. Just explain the final illustrate that is there, But the key thing to remember and I like this is it's something called the raspberry jam rule. You can't believe you're sitting watching this program. Get this chapter transfer can. But what's the transfer jam wrong about? My fundamental Bernie business is that raspberry jam doesn't taste very good if you spread it too thinly. So if you're gonna be marketing your business and you see lots and lots of opportunities and you think well will penetrate the market by talking to the estate agents and will develop new services off from conveyancing to wills and probate, a lasting power returning or matrimonial or whatever it might be for private clients. And also we'll open up that other offices Northampton or what have you What do you remember? That your finite resources of people and of time and particularly money will not be effective if you were to spread yourself too thinly. And I think many of business makes the mistake of being rather too ambitious on trying these things, not putting resources there, not being able to be patient enough to find a result on been rather go down in flames. So the role for general hope it signaled something for you to remember to say. OK, what are we going to do and how we going to do it. And if you need help, of course, with your market planning beyond what we've covered here. And I'm sure if you get in touch with days, Law will come and help you. I didn't mention earlier. Of course, something about smart objectives writing proper objectives. What what do we mean by those will specific. I want to increase fees. What fees from home. So it needs to be much more specific. It must be measurable because it must be seen to be changed. It must be agreed by all involved. No point imposing my people. They must be realistic. Must be challenging but achievable. In order for these objectives in your marketing plan to work on, it's not just get on with it when you've got time, it's gotta be this month, this quarter, six months and so forth. So, um, look out any particular objectives that you write. Andi. Make sure that individuals given an objective can look at the Manero ISAT and debate it under the five key headings to clear what's meant by fi used from area. Are we measuring fees or profit or number of recommendations? Don't make your objective imposed to make sure that the job holder does accept that this is a reasonable, achievable objective. What is realistic? It can be challenging. It's with going for, but it must be achievable on also that it truly clear as to when it's expected that this will be particularly achieved. So there's my canter through the business off writing a good marketing plan on I hope you feel having gone through it some detail that you can might plan that is concise. That is, based on your understanding of the market has been tested out by talking to targets within that particular market sector. That it is going to be realistic on the bottom line is that it actually gets achieved by the people tasked with achieving it and make sure because that they do have time over above feeling in time. They're expected to put these particular plans interaction a patient, half your marketing plan on a page and 1/2 for your tactics to clarify what's going on. But of course we need to do is to work out what tactics are appropriate, depending on where people are in this process about buying professional services, we're gonna do here in this section is to have a look at what it feels like to buy professional services. Now it may be that one has corporate buyers for commercial matters. We have private kinds by pain fees for or private services. This doesn't naturally include those who are engaging with you for legal aid agency work, because that has quite different parameters as faras the buying inverted Commons process it. So this is very much focused on the private line. You've got a choice who have the opportunity to choose you or somebody else on will be putting money where their mouth is either their own because they're a private client or commercial purchase, which may, in fact, from the business in this point of view, might be his or her money as well. So it's those who are making a choice and parting with their own hard earned cash. So that's really what we're looking at here on, uh, try to understand what they feel like when they are engaging somebody to solve a particular problem for them on. Then we will explore a blind to that what the buying process is as a generic process so that we can model that process understand the sequence of events on, then work out what it might be to move somebody from one point to the next. So let us turn to the buyer off and professional services, commercial or private client. So we have a number of different emotions going on here, summarized on page. There's the 1st 1 of which is to recognize that, then unsure whether you are the one that they should be briefing or whether they should bring somebody else. The tender got a short list, so therefore they'll three feel threatened if their business is their area of responsibility. They know they've got a problem, but are they sure you're the best one? Therefore, by putting their own situation in your hands, there's some personal risk. Its employment matters, maybe private matters. They may have been thinking about it for some time, and therefore when they brief you, they want it done Now on, therefore, speedy response is going to be important. But also, of course, there gonna be worried, because there I worry that they've got a problem. I would be the best person to be on their side on. You may get hold of information that they weren't too happy about feel a little bit exposed. Putting matters in your hands, they may feel naked and they not a professional lawyer. They may be good, their own job, but not your job. So the pregnant that therefore this reputation professional that it could be. I'm sure your reputation sound. That's not saying everybody's is. Therefore they will be concerned that it'll take too long for you to understand or you never understand wouldn't get on their side. Which, of course, leaves them very suspicious that you may be one of those typical professionals and borrows their watch to tell them the time. So the WHO when, what? Why, where and how off their selection is so important. So in that very quick view, we've had a look. They're a 10 or so emotions that are going to go through because these emotional decisions that decision to engage you is not ways entirely rational. There will be left brain right brain thinking they will be very rational. Thoughts to it will be very emotional thoughts to it, and therefore understanding what it's like to engage use is a very, very important step to enable you to engage with a perspective client in the way lays them off. A lot of that concern risk so worth exploring on understanding the dynamics off the market. And I have mentioned three sorts. One is the family member. One is the employee. The other is the business over the context. Remember, the marketing mix is quite different. Uh, when what? We're looking at the buying process we look at who was involved in that buying process. If it's an individual for him or her, then there's one person in that buying decision. But it becomes corporate. It becomes an organization. It becomes chief executive. It becomes the board of directors. It becomes the firm, the whole uneven. With domestic purchases. It may be a family purchase as opposed to a soul individual. When my wife is buying a car for herself, that's a two seater Roadster. Then she's concerned about herself. But when I was buying a sentence, Ito people carrying Children the Labrador, then they got involved in that decision making process. So they're very focused here very much on the individual buyers emotion. Don't forget that there may be a group in there. Buying decision on the group may also have different expressions of exactly these emotions on screen, so it's worth stopping to think what's going on on being able to track that. But it's also interesting to to track the process or buying something the buying process and it doesn't matter what you're buying. Then there is a process, and the process could be modelled on. This, as we shall see will not be dissimilar for a small capital item, like a tube of toothpaste, which will be a couple of pounds supermarket. It doesn't matter whether it's a a pair of shoes, 50 £100 whatever it might be, or indeed, five or £10,000 on a domestic vehicle for the household, the process is very similar. So let's see if we could model the process of customers buying something on Duh. I wouldn't want to be gender specific here, suggesting that we couldn't analyse the way that men by shoes and why not Men do buy shoes. So let's see if we can understand what's going on in the process off deciding to buy something on weevil been in retail situations, so we can all probably relate to this. So let's sketch out hope that sketch out the process. Imagine Man here wants to buy himself a new casual shears, and he's walking in the high street. But first of all, it goes past a new shop. Every time I go into my local town, there always seems to be new shops popping up here in their old ones disappearing. But that's changing retail. See, So walking past a shop for Oh, this is new on where, as I approached the shop, I do not know what they do and they do. Lady shoes, Children, shoes or shoes. Male shoes. Are they going to be shoes for Outward Bound events Ever going to be High Street normal Usual shoes. What sort of shoes again today? So whatever state ones in is being unaware off you or what it is you do on, that is what it will be like. If you're opening up a new firm, you've never run off firm before. Decide to rent some space and get SRE approval used to date a little program to understand how completely the FAA one forms form application number one gone through that process. Mackin you set yourself up Well, everybody in the whole wide world off your immediate family did not know that you exist. We must move people from this stage being unaware through to stage of aware. So our shopper is now aware that indeed is a shoe shop aware of that. But does that meet my particular needs? It I've got a particular type of shoe or particular price of shoe. Do find some shoe stores will have a high volume, low budget, low cost shoes. Just others would have very specialized shoes on, uh, my budget maybe not sufficient to cover those high end price of leather shoes and some shops. So I now become aware. I know what you do, but so what does that mean? That it's going to meet what I want. So I will move from the stage of being unaware off existence to being aware of existence. So as we recognize, this is bottom process. Now, where on then I said, OK, yes, you are a shoe shop. That is interesting. Fine. What would I do at that point? What's the next stage? In the process of interested, you are a shoe shop and you look from the shop window to be providing the sorts of shoes I might want to buy. You are not a child, she specialist. You are not a lady's shoe shop. You are not a high end and hand stitched yak lever. Sure, it's going to cost me four times my budget. Yes, I am interested in what you do, but I'm not sure So what I do? I need to go into the shop in trials shoes. So moving from interested in what you're offering to saying yes, this seems like the sort of thing that I might want to move to a different phase of saying Yes, I try the shoes on. I walk up and down. I will move my feet around in a shoe shop in ways in which I would never move them around in my usual walking events. But I feel as if I need to do that when I'm walking on. Then I would look in a mirror and I have to say it. I only ever aware of my shoes looking from above. I rarely look at my shoes from behind or from the side in all the years that I wearing. But I'll get through this process of conviction. I'm moving from interest to conviction on when I'm convinced. Do I really need it? Yes, I do There. That is the price that I want. It's sort of shoe that I want. It looks like it's going to be robust enough for me to walk. The distances are great. Walk. I want it. I now need to buy that. How do I do that I give to thee till with my MasterCard on due to the debt on the MasterCard on. Like it's good now this very, very simple process I've described here, taking a few moments to go through it as you will see Eisenhower generic process. But it's important to understand this process in a generic way and then to say, Okay, if I was buying conveyancing, if I was buying person injury, if I was by corporate, if I was buying something, then I would have to go through exactly the same process. I'm unaware of your firm. I do not know what you do. I am aware of what you do, But do I need it? Oh, that's interesting. I do need that, but are you the best one for me? Could I go somewhere else that I know better, convinced that you are the one that I want to work with. Yes, I do desire to work with you. How do I engage you? That process and there's six steps. They're pretty universal for buying concepts, ideas, professional services to paste or high value items. You buy a house you could buy Professional services by Jupiter based on what you will discover is, but the process is the same. But the speed with which one goes from unaware through to action on the number of people engaged in the buying decision is dependent on the value off the item being purchased when I would buy toothpaste. And I have a generic need for toothpaste because there is none in the cup cabinets. So I'm now aware off needing toothpaste and I'll go into the supermarket and I'm walking down the aisle, Pass the toothpastes. I'm unaware, and I here offer a product. I see it on a gondola on the shelf, something called arm and hammer toothpaste. Armand Hammer sounds like a dentist to put in entertained then implants. So Armand Hammer, I'm unaware off, but I'm now aware of arm and hammer, but that's an old name for ticket placed. It's interesting. Is it to think? Oh, yes, it is. That's interesting. It is a toothpaste. That's interesting, but I sure well, it has British Dental Association logo on the side of it, and it contains bicarbonate, which is a little thing. Yes, I want it. I put it into my trolley on. I'll move on to and the aftershave or whatever else is on that particular oil Now this process I'm describing here is very straightforward, but it will take a few seconds. And indeed, when people designing packs from MacLean's with Colgate or Akra fresh or whatever your favorite brand is, they will put people's heads in stereotyped frames, holding very still shine lights of their aetna on. Then flash pictures of the packs on a gondola being pressed, flattened when they seen the pack, and the pack that is identified fastest by many seconds will be the one they run with. I know I used to work for for beaching that had knocking off. MacLean's is one of its brands, so this process is exactly the same, but it's found microseconds. The same process occurs when people are buying high value items for home like a car. I'm unaware of that particular car were unaware of that. Brown. I'm aware of it. I'm interested. I've read. Expect I've driven it. That's the conviction. I want it. I can afford it. It's this much per month. I'll get the action. Thank you. It's the same when Plumlee buying conveyancing. Same when they're buying wills. Probate. The key thing to remember is the speed with which people go through it. And secondly, the the the value that they will be spending the amount of money they will be spending will increase the risk of getting it wrong, which may mean they will take more time over it, or that they will involve more people in the process to cover their their buying decision. Your time buying toothpaste on bond. I don't have to like Armand Hammer toothpaste. Then I'll put it in the Children's room, and eventually they'll get through it on. Don't really worry too much about it, so the risk of getting it wrong is ready to be modest. And at the end of the day, it's any less than £2 for adjudicative based, whereas buying a car. Of course, the process is the same, but it's much slower involved. Rest of family, that decision. So let's put it now, after all this everyday retail stuff into context off you and your clients buying what you do there, what is it that you need to do to take your market? It's completely other wear of your existence to a stage where they become aware of your existence. What techniques would you be using at that stage? Well, if you have a look at page 14 of notes and might want to look at it, jog a few pointers down on a piece of paper. Or in the act of this is, look at the different, different stages and think about the sort of techniques that you might use to move people from one stage to the next. And from that stage, almost so when something's unaware of you, then clearly unique. Do you something? Broadcast advertising. Get yourself on local radio. Get yourself on the the high straight. Get yourself in the local newspaper next to the property section. Get yourself talked about somewhere in some sort of media. Get your Web page out there, get yourself the Facebook page of social media, whatever it is that makes people aware of your existence and now they are aware of you, then they need to know something from being aware through the next stage. Well, of course, awareness through to interest is your why those communications make people aware of what you are becoming interest. So it maybe they're unaware of you. And they aren't, by the way, going to find your web page just because you have one. And if you really seriously think that the only way to get noticed is that is to pay through the nose for search ending engine optimization. To put yourself in the 1st 20 hits on Google, you are suggesting that anything that's 21st through Italy 100 thousands page is not actually a viable business. Then I think you're run over risking being Hoodwinked by those who said you search engine optimization. You do not need to go through hopes that spend a lot of money on S O. Should be in your Web design to start off with. If it isn't, talk to somebody knows what they're talking about on get your webpage designed properly and have been right. Meta tags within the pages so that will be found on. Then take five on no more than five key techniques. To let people know of the existence of your Web page on life will be Dude. So that's not a full marketing course on Web design. When development, I'm returned to this individual on social media but being aware through two from unaware to being aware we'll need some techniques. But then you're awareness maybe. How do you do that? Well, it making your Web page that will showcase the Why explain why you have a passion for whatever it is that you do, which will mean that people become interesting. So again, looking at what you're going to do, How do you make sure that people move from interest to conviction? What will influence people? How will you do that? What's on your Web page that move people to think, to conviction what sorts of things might go there on? You can then start to develop different approaches. Conviction? Well, conviction course maybe that they have opportunity to see you talking about something that particular event because you are at the breakfast clubs or you are running seminars or you are showcasing your kinds fit back comments and those sorts of things parts of letters to individual solicitors thanking them for their services. Maybe the conviction bit, but the desire bit maybe about wanting to I understand how you charge how they can pay that you do do in trim villain that you might be mostly building that you may be able to have. Isn't it very, very clear of your transparent pricing arrangements or so forth? They understand that. Then it's very clear how people will engage with you. Do the email you do they phone you up, Do they drop in? How are we going to do that? Will they be able to contact you through some of the other social media platforms? So this process and I'm gone through it in great depth, of course, is important. Want understand an important one to track Onda? Of course, it is also extremely important that you know what communication techniques will work best. Each of these stages to move people from one state stage of the process right way through to complete that process. So a job there to explore what those options are taping through from one end of phase to another. Let us then move on to look at various techniques to improve the business, having understood what the buying process is.