My name is Darren Hackney Green and this is the second film in a series of films, Illegal Systems on the SQ eight. This film looks at the regulatory role of the Sary. So what do you need to be aware of uh in relation to the S3 assessment criteria in this area set out there in relation to principles and risk based regulation, reserve legal activities, professional indemnity, insurance, and other regulated providers of legal services. We're gonna look at these matters in a little bit more detail now in this uh in this film. So there's no set definition of the term legal services. It's an umbrella term, uh includes advice, help representation uh in relation to any legal matters. Uh In the past, a significant proportion of legal work could only be carried out by solicitors and barristers that all changed. Uh with regards to legal services, Market and Legal Services Act, which basically means that other providers may provide legal services. However important thing to be aware of is this definition of reserved uh legal activities. So certain reserved legal activities can only be carried out by those who are authorized or exempt from requiring authorization the Legal Services Act, you probably, you probably need to be aware of the statute. Uh, not the different sections that uh that govern it, but just in relation to that actually sets out the elements of reserve legal activities. It distinguishes between those legal services that are classified as reserved and those which are not. Um, in essence, it lists all the matters that are reserved and by default, those that aren't listed are then not reserved or non reserved. It's essential. You understand which activities are classified as reserved. Because reserve legal activities can only be authorized uh provided by authorized persons and carried out a reserve legal active activity without the appropriate authorization actually constitutes a criminal offense. You need to be aware of that. Reserve legal activities is for uh core fundamental in relation to this area in understanding it. So in relation to reserve legal activities, they comprise legal work where the risk to the public is greatest, there are six different types um of reserved legal activities. Some of these are more important than others and are going to draw to your attention. We're not, they're, they're more important. So firstly, the exercise of a right of audience um refers to the right to appear before an address, of course, including the right to call and examine witnesses. That's a reserve of legal activity. Then we have six of them, the conduct of litigation. It is really important, the conduct of litigation. That means issuing proceedings before any court in England and Wales commencing prosecuting and defending such proceedings or carrying out ancillary tasks associated with such proceedings. So in f essence, anything in relation to the conduct of litigation is covered as a reserved legal activity but reserved instrument activities. So those are the uh activities that involve preparing or lodging certain legal documents. Um Good legal instruments, I reserved instrument activities are those dealing with the transfer charge or registration of land or of any other legal instruments re uh relating to real or personal estate. Uh It's important to note that the preparation of some types of documents are not classified as reserved instrument activities. Examples of those include drafting wills and other testimonial instruments that basically means that uh drafting of a will is a non reserved legal activities. Beware and I draw these to your attention as being sort of the core ones and are more important when you may have a question in the SQ A which may direct your attention to a specific task. It may be um uh litigating on behalf of an individual, then you identify what that litigation is a reserved legal activity and therefore, uh what the rules are with regards to the um the management or regulation of that. Alternatively, you may have a question to around a non reserve legal activity um to be the drafting of wills as the example I gave there, I'm thinking about. Well, actually what then uh are the rules in relation to that how and understand the regulations don't apply. The regulators don't apply to those sorts of activities as they do to reserve legal activities. Um Drafting agreements not intended to be executed as a deed. Another um, non reserved uh documentary, uh legal, nonlegal activity, sorry, non reserved activity and drafting a letter or a power of attorney. I'd be mindful in relation to those three elements of actually understanding them. And actually probably learning the reason being of course, because they are specified as examples of non reserve legal activities. It saves you getting confused with the elements when we looking at elements of personal estate and you're asked a question where it's talking about drafting lateral power of attorney. Uh and that thought process in relation to that. Yeah, though that is incorporated in the actual potential person, a state of an individual. Um it isn't a reserve of legal activity. We also have certain probate activities which includes preparing the documents needed to obtain a grant of probate, preparing a grant of letters of administration and preparing documents to oppose a grant of probate or a grant of letters of administration as well. Um Five notarial activities. I wouldn't worry too much about this. Um The the terror activities involve certified and authenticating certain documents tend to be within international elements by a notary, the separate regulations in relation to them. A lot of the time it comes to the rules, they are an exception to the rules themselves. So, in my mind, I don't think they're vital in relation to, um, any question on the sqe cos I don't think they can test you too much because they are a massive exception, but just be aware of it and the six administration of oaths. So it refers to the power to administer an oath. So the taking of an oath, the swearing of an affidavit. Um so effectively, if you are swearing a statutory declaration in relation to the transfer of ownership of a property, then when you're signing that, um that has to be done in front of a solicitor, it has to be done on oath. And that's the p one of the powers that we have, which is a reserve legal activity. Um Only these activities are classified as reserves. So basically means by default, anything which isn't listed in those six is a non reserved legal activity. Um And they can be provided these non reserve legal activities by unregulated individuals without formal requirement for training or qualifications or anything of that ilk had mentioned here, some core other uh examples of non reserved uh legal activities. I mentioned wheel writing, providing legal advice generally. Um You can see that since the Vice Bureaus uh non reserved legal activities, providing mediation um services. Again, it's a non reserve legal activity, reserve legal activities can only be carried out by those who are authorized or exempt we'll look at exemption in a moment. Just bear that in mind. Ok. With reserve legal activities, you have to be authorized or exempt. Exempt is a very, very small category. But, um, you need to be aware of who could be exempt and how, and we'll look at that in a moment first, it must be authorized to carry out a particular reserve legal activity by a relevant regulator. Look at this in a moment. Uh The law society is the proved regulator for solicitors, but the regulatory function for the law society is carried out by the SS R A and the SR A deals with authorization for all the reserve legal activities. Again, not the exception, notarial activities. That's why I say, I don't think you can worry, you don't need to worry too much about not material activities or not. Or that exception with regards to reserve legal activities, there are a number of regulated legal service providers. Consequently, that means there's a number of approved regulatory bodies who regulate the legal service providers. Um Each regulatory body has a specific professional specialist. And so I've given some examples here for those of solicitors. It's the SR A. So this is regulations uh authority, Barris Bar standards, board, charter, legal uh executives c regulation. We've got the social cost, lawyers, et cetera, et cetera. Lots of different um bodies who authorize individuals. The legal services board LSB is responsible for overseeing and monitoring these regulators. So they um oversee and monitor those who regulate us. It goes off the chain. In essence, uh regulation extends to, extends to all legal services the authorized person carries out and not just those services classified as res reserve legal activities. So the idea is for you have to have this authority and regulation with regards to offering a reserved legal activity, but it doesn't stop you um offering non reserve legal activities as part of that package. So for example, uh, you offer probate services with regards to uh, uh, arranging the grants of probate, but you also offer the service of drafting a will. So you're granted probate. Uh, getting that is a reserve legal activity. The drafting of the will is a non reserve legal activity. You don't have different rules applying to the two just because you are a regulated provider. Ok. So because you are regulated, the same provisions apply to any service you offer, whether it is reserved or a non reserved legal activity, that's important to be aware of. So solicitor has to comply with the Sr A's regulations and code of conduct even when they're not carrying out reserve legal activities. That's what the example I gave you. This is exemption goes to reserve uh legal activities, the regulation of that unless you're exempt. And how can you be exempt? In essence, it's basically where the court says it's ok, you can be exempt. You see this when you have, um, litigants in person doing matters themselves. So for argument's sake, the whole issue and, uh, idea behind access to justice is that, um, you know, an individual can bring the case themselves or defend the case themselves, um, through to fruition. Uh, um, arguably our legal system allows that to happen. It's all point in principle behind access to justice. Um, however, bear in mind, of course, if we're looking at litigation and the rules, we regard to reserve legal activities, a litigant team person won't be um authorized or regulated. So arguably he's not able to carry out um the drafting of um, documents in litigation or alternatively representing themselves at a hearing because they don't have rights of audience. That's one of the reserve legal activities. Number one, we, we looked at earlier, the idea here is beyond the exemptions. Here is the court actually grants the individual the specific right as part of that specific set of proceedings. So you don't as a litigating person, get authorized to litigate anything you like. Um, with permission, you just authorize in relation to carrying out that specific case and that task with regards to the matter before them defending or bringing a claim that you're entitled to pursue that litigation on uh yourself. And that's the thought process in relation to that. Also a specific right award is you can repre represent yourself at trial in relation to this specific uh action or case. And that's the rewards in relation to exemption. Just watch out for that because that's a way of getting around, um, how to avoid the elements of regulation for reserve legal activity. But you'd see that really applying to individuals as opposed to you as a profession, it's a criminal offense for a person to carry out or carry on a reserve legal activity if they're not, uh, either authorized or exempt. And the offense is punishable by up to two years in prison. Addition, the context of rights of audience and the conduct of litigation. If you carry out a reserve of legal activity, whilst not entitled to do so, you don't have a practicing certificate or you're not regulated for whatever reason you could be found in contempt of court and that of course, can result in committal proceedings as well. So again, you need to be very, very cautious in relation to that. So the LSB, the Legal Services Board, as I said earlier, responsible for overseeing the regulation of all lawyers in England and Wales, um A body can only be acting, uh can only act as a regulator for legal services. If it's approved by LSB, the LSB monitors the way in which regulators operate and can make recommendations for improvement in entities for deficiencies, ultimately withdraw approval. So don't forget that the A SB at the top here, looking after the SR A who govern solicitors, but they, they, they operate the regulatory elements for the law society bar standards board, obviously, the legal ser services board make sure they do what they're meant to be doing and same for silence, regulation and so on and so on. So regulated providers. So regulated individuals must comply with their own regulators, regulatory arrangements on such subjects as education training requirements, code of conduct, framework to practice and provision for disciplinary and enforcement action. Uh state there, what those are, what you may have and you'll be very cautious about. You can get a question in the exam is if you have someone who is a charter legal executive, but is employed in a firm of solicitors which is regulated by the SR A, you can't simply get away with the fact that silent regulation regulates me and not us R A. It doesn't, it doesn't work that way. So that because you're employed, the, the onus that you have doubly in that regard is you will be regulated by silence regulation in relation to education, training requirements, et cetera, et cetera. You'll also be regulated by the SR A in relation to what you do and also what is required for you as a person who works with the firm, which is regulated by the SR A just whereas sometimes you can have a dual element of an obligation there, um firm based regulations. So as an approved regulator, the SR A is able to authorize firms as well as individuals. Um this is the authorization you need for to carry out reserve legal activities. So only certain types of businesses are eligible for authorization. I've listed the most common ones that you need to be aware of. So a recognized sole practice, a sole practitioner is obviously a solicitor who chooses to practice her own solicitor, a registered European lawyer, uh registered foreign lawyer, the solicitor will own and therefore be responsible for the firm in its entirety. The organization is authorized by the SR A as a recognized sole practice rather than recognizing the individual as a sole practitioner. That's the terminology that's used there. We've got licensed bodies. Um The concept of alternative business structures. A BS is induced by the legal Services Act. The key difference is that the ownership um control or management of an A BS alternative business structure and is not holding the in, in the hands of individuals who are legally qualified. That was the whole change with the Legal Services Act that non qualified legal um uh uh solicitors lawyers can actually now own a business which operates a reserve legal activity process for a body to be eligible to apply for authorization as a licensed body. There must be at least one manager who's au authorized by the SS R A. So you've gotta have a solicitor there or another approved regulator that the character of licensed conveyances silex regulation just need the one your license body, that's all you need. Ok. Um Then we have recognized um bodies. It's further the more common um processing relation to firms that are regulated. That's a legal service body which all the managers and interest holders are legally qualified. They're able to are eligible to apply for authorization by the SR A as a recognized body. So at least one merger must be a solicitor or rel registered um European lawyer and a recognized body can take many different forms, partnerships. So, um equity and salary partners, equity, we take a share of the profits, salary where you paid a sum of money. But her recognition has been a partner, limited liability partnerships, L LP S. So they incorporated partnerships with uh rather than partners, they have members and companies. So, so this practice may be incorporated as a company registered under the Companies Act. So therefore they have directors and shareholders like any other um company, they recognize bodies as different firms that wish to carry out reserve legal activities may, oh, sorry, must make an application to the SR A for authorization that that's the whole issue you've got here. Ok. So the uh if you tie all these things together is we've got these reserve legal activities that can only be carried out if you are authorized to do so, which is by your regulator. So for the SR A for most of your questions, for SQ eight, it's gonna be looking at that sort of element of, of regulation. So you want to carry out a reserve legal activity the SR A has to give you authorization to do so if you want to carry out just non reserve legal activities, in essence, crack on and we'll look at that in a moment. Um, so once an application is made, the SR A will investigate and may give blanket authority for a blanket authority, you crack on, you give those, um, reserve legal activities. No problem, authorize the provision of selected legal services. It may feel you don't meet the criteria or specialism to allow for all um of the um uh appropriate services that provided the approved regulated services provided. Maybe you're saying a certain number of the reserve legal activities you can offer um, probably by way of the qualification of your staff or alternatively just refuse the application. Uh is another option that's open to them, was authorized. Uh, a recognized body is entitled to carry on all reserved legal activities again, except notarial activities. Again, I think that's another thing is outside the sqe a cot t being asked a question in relation to that just in relation to elements of management with the UN firms. Just notice the difference here with regards to this. So a recognized body must at all times have an individual who's designated as its compliance officer for legal practice. Recognize and remember the acronym cop and one who's designated as a compliance officer for finance and administration, your coffer. So your cop and your coffer, both of whom the SR A has approved as part of the application process you have with regards to authorization, but when we're looking at a license body, so an A BS and alternative business structure, the terminology is slightly different because you have a head of finance and administration, a hoffer rather than a coffer and you have a head of legal practice which is a hope as opposed to a cult. Um just be aware of those acronyms and just to be aware of the difference. I I could see that being a question as a, a multiple choice question. Sqe in relation to understanding a licensed body, what you require a hoffer and A H and uh having a recognized body, a coffer and a co just be aware of those differences there. So you go to practice as a solicitor, a person will satisfy three requirements. Those are there admitted to the profession. So a person will be admitted if they satisfy the requisite education and training requirements. This is you rescue it what you're doing now. Uh And you should also be satisfied character and suitability requirements. We'll look at those in a moment as well, uh then get added to the role. So once admitted, the person's name is added to the role of solicitors. And that list is maintained by the SR A and then you obtain your practicing certificate. So you then applied for your practicing certificate, you get your practice certificate which entitles you to offer legal services, excuse me, practice certificates have to be renewed on an annual basis. You can just get one for the rest of your life. There's always a renewal process as part of that renewal process is the satisfying elements. For example, you've done, you, you record CPD into professional developments. You've actually done much of training in the meantime. And also nothing has changed since you last applied for your practicing certificate. Although there is an obligation to make sure you update the SR A if something changes in relation to you in the course of your practice, the existence of the previous practicing certificate which is issued for you. We'll look at that in a moment. So character and suitability requirements, the conduct and behavior that the SR A will consider when assessing an individual's character's suitability falling into two main heads, criminal conduct and other conduct or behavior in relation to criminal conduct. The the action taken by the SR A will just depend upon the type of conduct involved. Uh They've sort of differentiated between those are most most serious and those which are just serious. So most serious a finding in that category is likely to resort in the application being refused. So your request for perhaps is being denied. Those include convictions by a court of a criminal offense, resorting a custodial suspended sentence involving dishonesty, perjury fraud, bribery. All elements that go to the fundamentals in relation to yes or a code of conduct, honesty and integrity. That's the reason why they're there, uh, or offenses of a violence or sexual nature obstructing the course of justice. Again, integrity, terrorism or which demonstrated behavior showing signs of discrimination towards other, again, towards others. Again, elements of discrimination are the, so a code of conduct real big. No, no, in relation to that where caution has been accepted in an offense involving the soy violence or discrimination. So we've got where you can, uh, where you have a custodial or a suspended sentence on a list of those offenses, but where you've accepted a caution in relation to ones relating to dishonesty discrimination, violence are the same elements. Yeah, you're not going to be granted your practicing certificate and it's a big risk there. I'd look at actually in relation to SQ A question around this. It may be looks at prospective applications by individuals and thinks about, um, what the application made, will they be successful? What the considerations to be made? You may get a question around around this. You may also get a question as well about the duty to inform the sr a if anything changes during the course of the existence of your current practicing certificate, ie, um, you've got your practicing certificate later, you then get a caution for some sort of offense of dishonesty, shoplifting or whatever it may be, um, then, or fraud or whatever it may be. It's the obligation to report at that stage, you don't wait until it's time to renew your practice to forget there's an ongoing obligation to report. And arguably, if you did wait, that would show a lack of honesty and integrity by not updating the sr a immediately as soon as it happens, which you're required to do. So, you're probably just uh making a rod for your own back by not um owning up at the earliest possible opportunity. Um Serious a finding in that category may result may result in the application being refused. And those include where caution has been accepted, um, or the individual who has been convicted of a criminal offense, not falling within the most serious category. So you have the most serious, which is where you're likely not to get your gravity certificate or have it taken away if you've got one and we've got the list of the, the, um, crimes there and then we've got serious. That's the capsule. That's everything else. I mean, in relation to that, you know, if you get a speeding offense yet, yes, report it to the sr A. Um, we, we have obligations with my firm. We, uh, move it up to our compliance team and make the decision whether to report or not the obligation to report still rested me as a solicitor and not with my compliance team. Um, but we have this one where, yeah, speed fence. You're not gonna lose your practice to give it because of that. Um, you know, elements of, uh, minor misdemeanors, potential antisocial behavior orders may not result in your, you losing your practice certificate. Um, but you have to be very cautious. So I, I think I've said before in other films, just be careful that, you know, everything you do, um, whether inside of work or outside of work is relevant to your conduct to how the SR A will consider your conduct. Um, and any sort of elements of behavior, you know, certainly I've given warnings before about social media, any elements of looking at discrimination and things like that, just be so, so cautious and careful because it could result in you actually losing your practice before you begin your career as a solicitor. What about other conduct and behavior? Not just the criminal side of things. So other conducts, we're all set out a non exhaustive list of examples like examples. But don't say if it, if it doesn't fall in here, it doesn't mean say it's knocker conduct to be borne in mind. These are just examples of more common conduct. They've considered the SR A as being um, not befitting that of a solicitor. So where the applicant has behaved in a way which is dishonest, violent, threatening or harassing or whether there's evidence of discrimination towards others, that would be where there hasn't been a criminal conviction that could be complaints through work whilst you're working there as a paralegal or before you qualify as a solicitor, uh, or other, uh, mean, I say doesn't have to be through work and it be other, uh, elements. You could be on the, the PT A for your kids. Uh, and your secretary of the PT A and you've behaved in a, uh, uh, an unprofessional way which has resulted in a complaint to the SR A about, you don't forget, of course, is these elements are things that can prevent you having a practice cert certificate before you even have one. or alternatively can result in that practice practicing certificate being suspended, taken away or being some sort of amendments made to limit down your ability to practice. The applicant has committed a deliberate assessment offense which amounts to plagiarism or cheating in order to gain an advantage for themselves or others. Massive warning in relation to this one. I've seen some nightmares online about the sqe um and people talking about it afterwards, don't forget you sign a non disclosure agreement prior to undertaking the sq A emergency situation, you sign that and then after the event, you um start giving top tips in relation to the sort of questions that come up to gain an advantage for others that in itself before you even become qualified could end up with the SR A saying you're not suitable to hold a practice certificate and you'll never qualify as a solicitor. Um There's evidence the applicant has deliberately sought to avoid responsibility for their debts. Dishonesty, manage their finances, been declared bankrupt or cannot satisfactory, manage their finances, tax fraud. Suppose there's an obvious one in relation to that that can come in relation to your personal life. Uh, the applicant has been made the subject of a serious disciplinary or regulatory finding or sanction. As I said, there's an ongoing obligation to inform the sr a promptly. It's the rule promptly about anything that raises a question about your character and suitability. Um, and changes information previously uh provided promptly is the obligation there. And I think I would always exercise a note of caution. You get a parking ticket, tell the SS R A, you get a speed in front, tell the SR A because you can't be criticized there yet. They're not gonna be bothered about that. You know, they're, they're not considered, they're only considered by the most sort, most serious breaches, but in essence, I think it's better just to fess up at the earliest opportunity. So, in relation to carrying on reserved legal activities, if you practice as a solicitor without a practicing certificate, you commit a criminal offense, you're mindful of that. Um And practicing certificates are personal to individual solicitors. Um, certificate of the suit authorizes a solicitor to carry out all reserve legal activities except material activities. Um Our solicitors must hold a valid practicing certificate and carry on all reserve legal activities through an authorized body. Practicing certificates are renewed every year on the 31st of October, we just had a renewal that's happened. Um, that's whenever it's granted. So if you graduate on the first of January, you're still going to be renewed on the 31st of October. It doesn't have to be a whole year. Just that's the period when it's renewed every, um, 31st of October. The SR A is a certain of discretion regarding the issuing of practice and certificates. So if they consider it in the public interest to do so, it must uh refuse an application for practicing certificate or main post conditions. We saw that on the existing certificate as it thinks fit a decision by the SR A to refuse an application for a practicing certificate or to impose conditions on one can be made the subject of an application for review by the SR A or an appeal to the High Court. It's administrative division of the High Court that you need to appeal to. So there is a process to go through if you're not happy with the Sras decision. Um and you can appeal that process. Be aware of professional indemnity insurance. You need to specifically know about this for the SQ assessment criteria. So occasionally the standard of service provided by a solicitor falls below an acceptable level uh and causes the client to suffer some form of loss or damage, you make a mistake and your client's case suffers because of it. In essence, that's what we're looking at So those cases, of course, what happens, your client brings a claim against you for professional negligence. We're seeing actually professional negligence as a sort of a growth market in relation to the legal sector. And as we're having um greater and greater fixed fees placed on any of the personal injury market, it basically means that if you've got a fixed fee for a personal injury case, there's only a certain limit of sums you can recover for that case. And that means the cases are um run more quickly sometimes without consideration or potential losses involved because it's a rush through, get it um sorted and get it confirmed and dealt with. Um and or arguably you've got individuals running high cases, those are firms to make money on these fixed fees, an individual run a significant number of cases. It's room for error and it's ripe for error. So what you're seeing now is that effective? The professional negative um claims market is a growing one because as the insurance um is reduces down the right to costs, the uh the more people are running cases, more mistakes are made because of it. You're trying to do things more quickly and that leads of course to clients complaining making it clear pressures of negligence for heads of damage that have been left out. Mistakes are being made and therefore there. That's where we're looking at the issues there. The purpose behind professional indemnity insurance pi I be aware of the acronym PI I is designed to cover the payments of such liabilities. The idea is if you as a sister make a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. You know, we none of us infallible. But the idea is you make a mistake. And the super factor you refer to your pi I there's insurance there, a client claims against you. The insurance pays, that's the benefit of it. You pay for a policy for insurance like you would for a motor policy, you pay for uh a motor policy insurance, you have an accident in course. So when an injury, you don't pay your own pocket, your motor policy pays in relation to that. Yes, it affects your premiums. But that's uh beside the point that you don't have to pay for the damage to that individual because your policy insurance covers it. The same for professional indemnity insurance will cover you the extent of your negligence and how it works with professional indemnity insurance. Of course, is when you've got a claim they'll have their own pan of solicitors, the worker he passed to and the system will advise accordingly in relation to whether the firm has been negligence or not. Do we defend it? Do we pay out to make an option? What happens in any given circumstances? So it covers the costs associated with defenders settling these claims. Um obviously having cover in place um helps maintain confidence in our profession. Clients know that things go awry. Then they, they've got this, there's this insurance cover that will pay off and pay them for their damages if they suffer their loss. Um For that reason, the SRA A um all sr a authorized firms and freelance services have to have the appropriate pi I in place. Arguably if they don't, we do have the sr A compensation fund which will be out within another video which um, theres situations where there is no pio in place. But the obligation as an sr A regulated firm is, you must have pio in place and the pi I must be taken out with one or more participating insurers. Those who are uh who are approved by the SR A and regulated by the SC A Financial Commerce Authority. I have an agreement with the SR A to provide insurance on particular terms that satisfy the regulator. The key requirements are that all authorized bodies must acquire and maintain adequate and appropriate pi I cover, I'll come back to adequate and appropriate in a moment. Um Each firm solicitor must determine what level of coverage is appropriate to their specific circumstances. So determining uh what is adequate and appropriate firms and solicitors should consider factors like the nature of the work undertaken, the number and type of clients, the possible value, any claim liabilities, any history of claims against the firm and solicitor and, and any alternative arrangements to meet liabilities recognized and licensed bodies. We see we saw the difference in relation to recognizing licensed bodies earlier with regards to the regulation and definition, your licensed bodies being your A BS S and your recognized bodies being the normal relative. The Mill Partnerships L LP S. Um they must be insured for at least 3 million for any one claim. That's a minimum 3 million from any one claim that's exclusive of the nature of defense costs. In all of the cases, the sum insured for must be at least 2 million. I think you need to be aware of the difference between those. I could see that coming up as a question in the the sqe in relation to the minimal or minimum limit in relation to the pi I cover. So this will have to be open uh with their clients about their pi I provision. It's necessary to make clients available about the firm's compulsory layer of pi I including details of the insurer and the cover of the insurance. The cover of the insurance is key and the reason for that because that could actually be a factor that a firm uh a business or an individual chooses in relation to whether they're structural firm. But for argument's sake if you've got a client um who is wanting to instruct you in relation to a claim for breach of contract or, and, and the loss is around about say 10 million pounds. However, your that firm's pi I cover is 5 million pounds they'd probably be reticent to instruct you because they know if they do instruct you and you go and cock it up so that you, they then have to pursue professional, professional negligence. The limit to your cover is 5 million, which is half of what their losses are, are uh are with the a breach of contract. So sometimes that cover can actually limit down the clients you take on we as a firm and you tend to see this always have questions um um asked of us prior to the point when we renew our pi I have you got a case which is worth in excess of X I think our pi I limit is limit is up 10 million pounds. So we always ask the question, have you got a case worth more than 10 million pounds? If you have the they, you have to notify your firm because if our uh pr a limit is 10 million pounds, that may not be enough to pay out the losses in relation to that specific claimant for that client. Well, let's have a look at a question in this area there. So a solicitor turns a charity gala at a prestigious Welsh gallery following a heated disagreement at the buffet with another guest which involved an element of volatile volant tossing. She is arrested for public disorder. The police issue the solicitor with a formal caution but decide not to pursue criminal charges. Is the solicitor required to report this caution to the SR A, a note, the solicitor only needs to report to the SR A if she's charged with or convicted of an offense. B note, the solicitor is only required to report to the SR A in cases of serious misconduct which this incident does not constitute. C yes, the solicitor must report the caution to the SR A either personally or via her firm's compliance officer for legal practice. To culp note the solicitor is only required to report to the SR A if she's convicted of an offense. And yes, a solicitor must report the caution to the SR A, but this can be done through her firm's managing partner when it comes to questions like this in relation to elements of conduct, et cetera, et cetera. What I'd recommend is the first port of call. If you have a look, a lot of the questions are like, no, no, no, yes, no, yes. So effectively have a look at the question, you reach a conclusion. Ok. I think the answer must be yes. So therefore, which one of the yeses sits better with your answer and, and then just look at it that way that can help you narrow down the ones that are incorrect. It may potentially if you're running out of time in relation to a question, you may be able to limit there and get through more questions that way by thinking if the in your gut, the answer must be yes. Therefore, I discount the nose. The answer to this one is yes. And the system should put the caution to the sr a either personally or via her firm's compliance officer for legal practice culp. Um, so about the other ones. So solicitors need to promptly report to the sr A any caution they received regardless of whether the charges of fraud or conviction occurs, uh, which makes A and B wrong. You don't need to have any sort of conviction. The fact there's a caution, there is enough, um, is incorrect because reporting through the managing partner uh is not sufficient. You have to go do it yourself or through, through your rec or cop, your compliance office of a legal practice. Um And B is incorrect because the severity of the misconduct is irrelevant to the reporting requirement for cautions. In essence, the relevance of the actual conduct itself is relevant to where the sr A, what they decide to do with the osteopath certificate. It's not a valid consideration to whether you should report the caution or not. The simple fact is you've got a caution, you report it. Thank you very much.