Hello. Welcome to this Webinar on maximizing damages and Preston injury cases, The Webinar is intended to give tips, tricks and tactics for those acting on behalf of Clement's in order to maximize the amount of damages recovered in personal injury cases. The law should be up today. It was all the 21st November 2000 and eight to So we're going to look at various heads of lost. Whatever. Saturday nights toe active, my half Cleveland the weapon or will look at information covering General Thomas is type of general terms could be cleaned laws. Vernon's in the formulation of those lost pension care claims. Accommodation costs. It's an equipment D I Y travel, medication and treatment and increased slowly costs miscellaneous expenses on and also look at interest on Part 36 off the civil procedure rules started off them with information gathering, and this can often be the key aspect of putting together any personal injury claim in terms of quantum. Often you'll find that's listers use questionnaires to begin with. You might expect the lively questionnaire, for example, asking but circumstance of an accident, and there should also be I would suggest some kind off quantum questionnaire setting on the losses that the injured party has suffered that particular time. Um, that may be something that the Clements can be given up the 1st 1,000,000 or one of the trust millions to enable those instructing this. This is, I've instructed to start to gather in the relevant information to put together a plan. What can often be very helpful following up is if the Cleveland keeps the Dari off really everything to do with the clear Dari of the injury can help formulate what has happened in terms of general damages and pain suffering, loss of community literal but can also satellite, for example, the candidate received during the course of the day. And they travel and travel expenses that they've had to encourage medication on high. Often, they had to acquire medication. Diaries can really help to start to put together a real picture of motherly the the impact of the injury, but also the cost on the claimants purse. Once, then, the shadow of loss is the parent are started. Be prepared. It's often helpful certainly for Consul from constant point of view to begin with some kind of quantum step wet stepping from the Cabinet on ideas, statement word. First of all, highlight the claimants pre acts and background what they did in a personal life, that they have a family with intended, our family on what their professional background jobs today, day prior to the accident. It would also identify on the clones life was projected to move forward. So what were they intended to do in the future from a personal family and professional point of view where they intended to have Children? Is that my impacted by the accident that what were they intended to do with their career, where they intended to do more training? And two, they expect to be promoted in the near future at some future point? No harmonic motion, but they've expected in their particular career. The statement should also identify how the actions impact the claim. So if they're no longer have able to have Children, for example, or no long were able to take part in our favorite sport, are competing in competitions. Also, if they're no longer able Teoh work in a job they're doing, or if their prospects for promotion of been affected by the accident, that would be helpfully side in a quantum step in. It's also helpful to go through the various heads of loss and step, and then it may be useful to use tractors in the previous slide as a starting point. What we're doing with the Clinton put in stepping together, I so distrusted also then consider obtaining provisional statements and family members. Family members would often give a very helpful and input into the kind of cats given, for example, kind of impact that top family members both my physical and often a mental point of view. It's also very helpful to include small items of expenditure. For example, walking sticks on Lord's predict pillows. Not only should that be claimed from the at fault party, but it also helps depend a picture off the tool impact that this particular injury accidents his heart on the injured party. And again, this suggestion that I've made is that I have lost checklists can often be useful in putting that document together once you have diaries or questionnaires ons. Also, initial cult stepping stomach ailment, other sources of information can be very soon as well, Obviously GP and hospital. It's clearly medical reports, you know, if the employer, House Apparel National Therapy reports They can be a helpful source of information for a particular time or over the course of the injury and its impact. Personnel files, too. By kinds, of course, will be able. Teoh assessed acclaimed where, for example, taxi could have been taken that otherwise wouldn't bringing paid for on a card when expenses have been paid for three. The bank coming two or three cars that should sew up India's A constant statements on, therefore, enable those items to be out into the sheds of loss and calculated, likewise, credit card step ins. It's worth noting more come back to this issue that the interest that will be payable on the credit card is stay racket claim that can be claimed from the toward freezer and Drew course. Also, employment applications and CVS Hominy employment applications have been mad. Uh, if the person my workers result of the accident the C V that the pre accident CV and with post Sex and CV friend also Jim Records. If the pre acts in general records painted a picture of regular gym attendants on the poor post accident, Jim record should know attendants that no documents will clearly be helpful in terms of proving any injury and its impact on, certainly in terms off the loss with a particular out of loss of gym membership or or such, like turning into the question of general damage on often, courts can get on parties and groups, and things could get confused. Sister was on item general damaging walls, and I'm especially out. So looking at where they are to find in the Kiss law, we have these definitions. Special damage refers to those losses, which must be pleaded established by the kidnapped in a shed load of loss or protectors clear. Whereas general diamonds are those which will be presented to be the natural or probable consequence off the wrong. Complained off with the result of the camp has acquired only to certain such standards has been suffered. So, for example, pain, suffering, loss of immunity is a typical head of general damage because it doesn't need to be pleaded to establish that the losses residents without technology injury under that was having to pain and suffering loss of community. So if it's a protectorate type of loss, are that one wouldn't off normally expected It's not a spastic damage. If it is a probable consequence, it's a lot of general dumped. The definition we have from the case of Ratcliffe in evidence it's on the slide down. It's the law present that some downs will flow. New York recourse of things from the mayor invention of the Atlantis rights Yeah, and calls a general damage specials. Armors in such contacts means a particular damage beyond the joining damage, which results from a particular circumstances of the case and of the planters claimed to be competitive, for which you ought to give warning and its pleadings and one of the big that there may be no surprise at the trial. So it's effectively items that they, the defendant will may think the challenge on which had the talent may wish to call its own evidence or in terms of general diameters. Of course, on the supplies, both the general and specific special damages the principles of 100 100 some compensation. Every quote from Russian brushes National Coal Board is this. Every member of this court is anxious to do all he can to ensure the damages are adequate for the injury suffered so far as they can be compensation for injury. The intention of damages. This to put the the, uh, the injured person into position as if he acts and have nots or injury had not occurred. They are therefore, compensate three necessarily compensated by nature there no punitive or exemplary. We will go on to look at that engine course. You can have aggravated damages in some cases. For example, trespassing person Andi, we'll look again. Aggravated an example. E damages and due course damages must be full and adequate to compensate for the loss. I That's the principle off 100% compensation. So looking at aggravated damages specifically, uh, there is a test sell in the case of Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis versus Short from 2011. On the not case, the court said this the only purpose of aggravated Diamond says was Compensate right. They should not be a word to publishing. Respondents conduct the approach generally adopted in England was unsatisfactory. It required tribunals to make a distinction between wrongful conduct and additional features of the respondents called on to super reference to a loose criterion off section allergy put in. I've read it down is in the separate box could sometimes, if only subconsciously, lead tribunals to treat them as punitive adult on a necessary level of complication technicality to the assessment conversation. What mattered was whether the Turtle Award for Normal Curie loss was fair on portion it. The features that may attracting more vibrated down just commit classified under three heads a. The manner in which the defendant committed the tort, be the motive Fort and see the defendant's conduct subsequent to the tort but in relation to it. The features is a new narrative to above a fact. The award of compensation. Because the algorithm distress calls by actual roomful act, I think that's probably the key phrase in terms of deciding whether or activating them to supply. It's whether the conduct weather at Stern course of tort in the motive of it or the subsequent behave yourself at Substances Tour has aggravated the distress calls by the actual toward itself. Eso, for example, are particularly aggressive way in defending the Klan, where aspect off the tort itself, for a broader began and again might lead to an aggravation of the distress caused on to your separate ward for aggravated damages. one possible consideration is where covert surveillance has been used by the defendant in the course of a person directly and on. The very fact of that covert surveillance has caused emotional stress, nitwit of some kind of on perhaps a mental health injury. Then it's arguable that are given down, just put, apply and not particular at scenario. And it may be something that was worth Saturday night and some kind of pleading that the Klan will be out seeking such aggravated damages. Example. Damages in your hand, just like different on they are enunciated in the case of Rooks versus Barnard from 1964 not Kay said. That example, damage it's could be awarded in cases on three types of cases. First of all, we're oppressive. Archer on or unconstitutional acts by government servants have taken place. So you often see cleans, for example, damages against the place or against the immigration authorities and immigration cases where someone being removed against from the country against their wishes, or a second calorie of case and roots and barn orders where the defendants call not being complicated by him to make a profit for himself, which might well exceed the compensation payable to the planter when we look an example of that in a moment. But the third category of roots and barn orders, where there expressly authorised by statute, doesn't apply in Preston in the vast majority of personal injury cases. Certainly, at the moment cases drowned for us. The chief constable of Avon and Somerset is, on example, of consideration of example temperate damages. In that case, the Court of Appeal said that penal in nature, their water to punish particular rages bay of urine, part of a family. They summarize McGregor on damages, a saying when they may be awarded whenever the defendants committed sufficiently our greatest merit punishment as where x close malice fraud, cruelty incidents with the like. Where is where I should have found Be a government servant? Suppressive armature constitutional. So again repeating the day the Lin said on Rocks and Barnhart eso erasing example off the second category of rocks and Barnard in Persons re circumstances a lot. It's not technically a personal injury claim clear of actor insurance. You gave PLC versus financial came solutions on two named individuals. That's Court of Appeal decision off this year. In that case, access appealing. Answer this mess. Let's claim, for example, diameters foreign from petitions against respondents for deceit on unlawful means. Conspiracy just for some background on the trend. Vittles on the respondent company. At a stage cast across frauds seeking president, the janitors for staged accidents become once this thrall was discovers to come. The insurance company AXA that brought claims for deceit in unlawful means conspiracy a first instance. A judge refused to work example damages. But on the pale, the Court of Appeal said that exactly damages should be awarded in the particular case. On that it came squaring within the, um, second category of Rocks and Barnhart. In this particular case a month. 20,000 walls awarded. You See the quote from that case. Instant cases of a paradigm case for the award of example, challenges respondents to conducted a sophisticated Stanfel involved deceit in fraudulent misrepresentation from the attacked. The accident's perfect false documentation is created that the Clintons themselves might have existed. First respond conducted incident in the best that it was authorized to do so. It's a firm of solicitors. When it was not thereby committing a criminal offence, it's called up the tunes with cynical and abusive and that falsely represented. The court documents have been served when they had not. The frog nearly succeeded. Not respondents have managed to enforce the judgment after would never have seen this money again. Contrary to the view genital was not, criminal proceedings could have been brought in. Additionally, availability of contempt Corpse even should know adversity. In fact, we were, for example, damages but was otherwise appropriate leg intent within a narrower, competent you've or fraud and did not include to Talladega the outrageous conduct, quite apart from the fact that content would have would have to be proved to the criminal standard. Oh, proof. Another aspect off general damages that will look up briefly is on. The defendant should not benefit from insurance parents to declare mint or from the clearance prudence and taking a life insurance policy that started the room power in Cleveland. According from a great around Donald Just McGregor says, This is Art isn't 18 74. It was decided in broad burned recipe of your I, but the claim was taken on accident insurance. The money received by him under the insurance policy were not to be taken into account an assassin damages for the injury in respect of which he being paid the insurance monies. The decision of stood time solely endorsed party lords, level by parent Cleaver matters. Clearing or incontrovertible? The argument in favor of non deduction is that even if in the result Clement that may be compensated beyond his loss, he is paid for the accident. Church, with his own eyes on the fritz of his thrift and foresight, shouldn't fairness in your ITU's. I'm not to defend advantage. Yeah, another case that touches in my point is right Power First Belfast and Contact on Riel Way Square Court, I said, Do a countryman gift, which are man turning criminal, which relieves it distress. But there's a slight caveat to the pirate cleaver rule on it comes in around Fred, itar The case of Zurich and emerging 2014 case touches upon this point in the decision of Lord Justice under help help apart about 40 to you, he said this the appellants wished to pursue that point in this court, that is, that the Clements duty to mitigate meant that he should have claimed on his own comprehensive insurance policy and so Roman is his own and a curiosity. I've been ableto by our replacements, Mr Trying to Submit Destined love, No conflict with well established Ariel and Bradburn versus Great Western Railway. It Palin's West relying on policy in order to avoid their liability not for the loss of the vehicle itself but for a different uninsured loss, which could have been avoided or reduced if the kid had acted reasonably prior are 43 door justice on the house that this the point is an interesting one, plenty of some general importance, but denapoli that we should consider it on this appear this battle happy fault. If insurers so inclined one another field, that would suggest that there is good for a challenge off the road umpiring Cleaver Certainly in case of creditor, which practitioners will know, is a regular, regularly used battlefield by insurers on cross Our companies, a lunk turning down to the issue of pain and suffering else of immunity pass away, huh? The updating of general damage wards take on inflation should be by reference to the retail prices index not to principal from Hi Michael, but those down bizarre toward pain, suffering and loss and Millie about injured person has gone through. As a result, off the tort, the range awards for general diameters were increase is a result of the case and off Simmons and Castle that started in 12 season of the High Court of the Court of Bills. Excuse me where they said this Accordingly, we take this opportunity chili to declare that with a factor in the first of it. Sergeant 13 the proper level of general damages and all civil claims for pain and suffering. Loss of me, the physical inconvenience and discomfort and discomfort psycho social ascribe, mental stress or loss of society of relatives will be 10% higher than previously unless the current falls within. Ah, the legally had sentencing Vendors Act two dozen 12 section 44 6 So that 10% increase across the board in general damage. Pearson. A job sometimes is as a result, Sims and council, which itself considered the effect off the last regime. Uh, probably by that act, which in turn implemented the direct indications of Lord Justice Jack, Lord Justice Jackson and his reforms on costs. It applies cross aboard Teoh parents of in all submitted the awards that the current edition of the judicial cause guidelines with SATS. Like the various guidelines for various injuries, Ah ha's boasts the the the uh They pray for US people starting 13 awards, updated by reference to the retail price index. Another column for those where the 10% top of supplies on that differences for those cases where there wasn't a conditional fee agreements entered into prior to the first of April 2 infecting these cases will attract the Nowhere Warner Room to get to the benefit of the tongue down percent uplift, whereas those cases that's our CF a or at some other kind of arrangement after that will attract a 10% uplift. Uh, it is expected that in perhaps an accid ation off additional calls guidelines, the ills, non temps and uplift ranging award will vanish time having caught up with those claims that are still outstanding, looking up Pierre Soleil in in some detail and pain and suffering, what is it? Well, it's damages for the physical and mental stress costs. The claimant both pray trial and in the future as a result off the injury, it includes paying, called by the injury itself on any treatment intended to alleviate it on the awareness of embarrassment of this disability. Disfigurement, pain and suffering must be proved on when it claims have died as a result of the injuries identified as separate from the death itself. So, for example, with a claimant is injured on Hey, two weeks later dies the parents suffering loss of mainly will be for the two week period where the the deceased waas, suffering as a result of the injury loss of amenity is slightly different in the sense that it is exactly that it's not the pain suffering. It's the restrictions caused by Thea Accent of the injury on the injured party, it says. And slide objective losses to standby claimed, for example, loss of the ability walker to see at the loss of a limb or its use other aspects of general damages that could be considered loss of congenial employment. There are a few cases cited their support that had of loss more reasonable of hanging brushes, midst on Tunbridge Wells and just trust, uh not claim the quarter size damages in a claim for personal injury. With Clement, 26 year old woman will suffered a prolapsed inter vertebral disc out C 56 of the cervical spine when she was assisted system and moving a patient from his battle into a table. A part slide. Uh, the Clintons cardiac for the oldest 26. Andi was awarded lost off Virginia employment off £10,000 for no longer be able to continue that type of plant. There are some authority for loss of March prospects being a night, um, of of damage, the cases that have more our to worsen. McCarthy. Here's McCuen. What's called and burn at a sport of head of loss and ascend Everest is Griffin throws. In one case, High Court ordered 30,000 is part of the award for pain and suffering. Also with me today, where Clinton claim for the loss of her high quality of life. In particular, the fact that she would have to work part time she'd have to give up or sporting activities into horse riding wouldn't start from its gain running fine. The prospect of marriage have been reduced, promising relationship have been spoiled. It says that 30,000 part of I, PS and I, I suspect that the appropriate way to finally on all said marriage prospects or, indeed, loss of marriage in this, in this general sense is as an aspect of pain and suffering and also community I that magic prospects have been diminished on. It's a reason for up left or an increased amount under PSL A, as opposed to a separate item in itself, although I don't suppose it would hurt to resell Road in a document on that the will seek loss of marriage prospects are dissected head of compensation or in the alternative to be included on increased work for P. S. L. A. It's worth also considering clearly the issue of multiple injuries, which is a difficult issue to get to grips with. In terms of protecting the amount of award to the court will make from the Jessica was guidelines. There is an introduction or some comment on multiple injuries. What's the guidelines say that that they can do no more than seven? In the case of this exception, make a society reverses. Philippe Yak on it says this. It's called a judgement that says This is my just always necessary to stand back from the compilation of individual figures whether assistance has been derived from comparable cases or from the judicial college gardening advice to consider whether the award for pain, suffering and loss of community should be greater than the sum of the parts in order appropriate to reflect. Combined if actively, injuries upon the injured person's recovering quality of life or in the country should be smaller than some of the parts in order to remain on element of Double Compton. In some cases, new diamond minority No adjustment will be necessary because the two it will probably reflect the overall pen suffering on loss of me to be injured. Another is and probably the majority on adjustment on the case in the a significant adjustment may be necessary. The judgment of Lord Justice, pictured in that particular case, turning out the clearly important issue off loss of earnings Hardly. We go around Goa bites assassin Jews well, in the case of pecuniary loss, such as loss of profits or earnings, the clam Anders, of course, and time to be put in the position in which he would have been if the injury have not. Current authority from for that proposition can be gleaned from Livingston vessels, railroads, cool company I was quoted and British Transport Commission versus Girly that had of law should include deductions for benefits received on for chances, both favorable, unfavorable with respect to future loss so hard to go bite starting to work out what? The loss of an instance from in a particular case? Well, it's worth beginning within that actually income. It's helpful to use proceeding 13 week average. It's always worth comparing, though a Segment 12 figures. If, for some reason the previous year was low, then he's 24 months, so it's always worth looking at, if possible. If the if the elements come bait, I put together what the current was are in your office six months, 12 months or 24 months, if perhaps with her self employed and not on a fixed income, our worth if their own commissioner something we thought. There may be reasons why the previous six months was low, and therefore it might be helpful to look at the 12 month now or 24 months or even longer enough necessary, um, spawn, just to get an accurate average or net actually income figure, which you can then use for the law sensitive accidents on any loss going forward what side for seasonal over time that could, in Flint income or in fact, defect on the rest minutes. So if someone warns most their money in the summer, uh, be wrong to take her third to me jump 13 week average during props December General for a break if those of the 13 weeks of the three months prior to the accident in March. In that case, it would be better to make up the Newlin props a couple of years off income to look for the, uh, the appropriate in that actual income. And, of course, if you're looking, if you're acting for the Cleveland, then you want to look for the most advantageous figure to put in your shed jobs as well as the most accurate one that could be backed up evidentially. Where do you go to for the relevant information for national income? Well, if you're self employed, it's Morsi. Records are often very helpful because they will sell it. They might taxes pay, and you'll be able to do an accurate calculation off the that actual income. That's particularly so where, for example, someone is on employee of a person services company, gets paid a salary as well. Dividend, for example. Then perhaps the easiest way work out there now, actually, income is to look at the H Morsi U turns and records. There s a 32 teas Teoh work on how much tax actually paid a month's income that she received. And those records should also tie up the tax records. And it's Morsi records should also tie up with their kinds. So contents are a good place to look for their loss of earnings on if you have the currency can use facts and figures numbers to work out what they're not, actually income impose taxes on. That's a figure that you're seeking to use to carry out lots of Arians calculations. Watch out for London increases between the date of accident and the trial. Make sure your conflict uh, guess, um, confirmation from an employer on if self employed, you get confirmation from employers. There are any increases in salary that would have been applied to particular claimed or if that accurate was up for a promotion but have been put back, for example, because of the injury, because the Inter Preston taken a lot of time off work obviously when I when I, when obtaining income figures than a documentation from employer contract from employment as well as pay slips, will be key to work with a tax. Lincoln Waas All right, if in terms of any increase is going for after the action, if you're self employed, it may be necessary to use the previous percentage increase. For example, so if, prior to the accident, the self important person was earning, on average 10% more each year than it may be worthwhile applying that's going forward if there is a future. Also, Brennen's under plan a 10% increase per year and they, um, in the Lost Friends calculation. It so can also be helpful to use the after tweeting on intellect in the office and Natural National Statistics, which is helpfully replicated in the facts and figures publication produced by the fresh neck. Since bar association, it's also worth considering are aspect off loss of brains are benefits that were available to the claims were being available to the cloud, such as company car weather, clement attend free fuel or insurance through their employment, or even servicing what parking was available to the clearance of the results of their A job that is no longer available and is therefore gonna be an additional expense. I was there any reduction in public transport, all right? And the Ridge East calls public transport if they worked in for hairline, for example, or any kind of access to airline desk quints Have the notes that was a result off their injury. Likewise, who tells us clients that eyes our laws that can be factored in? Did their employers ally in tow have cheap loans? Uh, or medical dental insurance? Where there any education alliances, exceptional holiday pay were exceptional amount of holiday days that have been lost on the claim Can I only achieved an average amount of hold their stock street required, although they pay what we're doughnuts, that's what where they built what was a bonus situation year on year for the Clement were not type from plant, whether cheaper meals, a lot of that particular place of employment. Whether shar up since, was there, Jim or today received tips where they work in the hospitality industry, for example, and did they receive tips and top there they the regular net income that they received from their employer. These were all items that should be considered when trying to formulate the the actual loss declared dozens off the injury s so that they principle of our present compensation can be achieved. Looking specifically at the issue off out more liquid jobs or promotion in the future, the issue is clearly on this. That's but for the accident declared may have been promoted or may have moved to a better job tonight. Taken training to move to further education's moved to a better job. There are two ways of religion. It s sitter isn't a significant increased love generation. Um then simple extent of increase should be reflected. So if the Clinton was during 10% each year extra than that could be factored into a future income coordination was simply a 10 person increase to the to the multiplier each year, not calculation methods its side in case such as herring dresses. The Ministry of Defense in that particular case that the current suffered serious violent other injuries in a parachuting accident. And terman 1994 the effect of the accident I had been that the climate change bring supremely fit young man, It worked as a sports coach being in the territory. An Army special air service contemplated the eventual career. Place you into someone he could not walk more than 500 meters with the idea of a stick on frequent rests. General don't use have been agreed in the case, but the judge had to have had to assess the effect of his accident on disability on his important prospects in the base that is capable full time, sedentary or semi 70 work, the judge fined, become would have applied to be accepted by the local police force when they would have risen to the rank of sergeant within seven years, feeling that he would have fined like employment. Eso that's an example off on application off extent of increase approach to a particular Clint. If family ever harmed, the generation is likely to increase inefficiently. Then the clear may want it may be right to pursue the claim on the loss of chance bests on examples of that type of calculation. Dorian Wallace, online for paper, His particular example In Scares with Man versus Barry Jordan. 12. That case side of central London Eso the judge approach the assassin of dances for press injury in financial loss. I stand by car passenger as a result of road traffic accident taking into account. Find he'd had a practice here pre acts in a 20% chance of going to university. But lost that chance is a result of the accident on the although he workers, an advocate out to plumber has prospects of recognizing and e g three, uh, every every kilo. Three Probably choose to 50% on that's an example off loss of chance approach. The first loss of chances of turning percent loss of going to university or not have an impact on his on future average annual earnings on then also that he'd have a 50% loss of chance fun progressing from level two plumber to level three plump and that also it was refracted in the might of Lhasa. Pay what to stand in the future. Another Perhaps more extreme example. Off on approach to assessment of future laws Satellite, McKay's and Max Wise at vs Portsmouth. Just trust. This is a clinical inactions case in which Lively was admitted. The court considered a claim for loss of future earnings on the best educated prospect to set it up in developing highly profitable business on Apollo retirement. Selling that business on interesting it was, find to be virtually certain Kim would have set up his own market. Researchers in the pharmaceutical industry that the agency would have achieved a turnover of two minutes after two years. There's no need to apply percent discount for effect chance that he would not have dancer. There was 1/5 decide to be a 50% chance that came out of changed in 9 25 women in five years for the 3rd 4th and fifth years. A claim should be calculated. The baths of an average return of 75%. The 3.5 million There is a 20% chance that they can would have achieved a turnover of termination after 10 years in order to achieve a proper necessary Overall, just kinda knows protective a month. In addition, is a reduction of 14.4 sexual factored in the green multiplier. I should also be a further this kind of 15% applied to the clam from that loss of earnings. I just thought this can't be applied before deducting figure for residual guardians. Cordelia finds the likely sale violet of breath mints have made in the war. That amount subject to the discount on interest in case on the interesting approach to, uh, the car creation of future loss. And it must be sad, I extreme example. The other aspect of loss of earnings that really calls for attention is the issue of discipline reverses a little start Smith versus non chest reward so the definition of disability and sell it on the Equality Act out Section six. It says this a precipice person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment. When the empowerment has a substantial long term adverse effect on their ability to carry light normal day today activities night applying decided which, uh, which would to take It can also be a matter off what come on may be worth when acting for a moment, doing both often calculations on Disability and Smith Manchester Awards to see what you get. So looking at a case where this was applied that scares a billet versus the Ministry of Defense, and tonight, 14 in this case, the ministry employed the Clintons enacting Lance Corporal in the Army. He'd suffered an injury and fabric side and nine when engaging in physical exercises in cold weather. He was medically downgraded on the Louise letter upgrade. He left the Army to start having you clearly left part of because of his injury, as he considered that his career prospects have been damaged and he was unhappy about the way he had been treated. He range near Plum DOESn't get TV driver by San Times He left the Army. The clear describes injury is a minor injury to his feet with last severe symptoms of his hands. His expert medical witness produced reports in March. Sudden 12 It's a little except that the Clintons freedom but injured only said that it was possible he had sustained a hound. Andre, you think this is a the injury in particular walls? A, uh, a freezing type injury. The issues that the court hunted decide where one of the issues, including whether the future loss of earning capacity should invited by reference to the often tables as opposed to a lump sum award or a little style. Smith Manchester award. The judge, fined as follows since they came, would have laughed the arm regardless of his injury future. Lots of runs could not be assassin the best that he was with his day but for his injury Courted three options for calculating future loss of earnings are traditional Smith vs Manchester Lump Sum Award on award base mold until they being without adjustment Warren awardees and alternatives and being with adjustments in light of the particular circumstances, just find it was not appropriate to make a traditional lump sum war. Such words appropriate, whether it's created and certainly about what claim would have done if uninjured, since there is no doubt that the claim would have laughed, the armed guards of his injury for as much of his future career is he could arrange, he would have been on exactly the same as if he had the knowledge it. The only difference was that if he had to change jobs, we would have had more difficulty finding alternative work than he would otherwise down. The claim was disabled by reference to the ultimate test. Given the lump sum award was inappropriate, the Ogden tables add, they were to be used to assess damages, but ever given that there were a few could be classified as disabled and have the man is fit. Enables be it would have been wrong to apply the reduction factors would like deduction. Coordinated multiplier was substance refugees for contingencies of the mortality to affect minor nature, off base disability, a key issue arising and trying to the desk country. It used the discriminate. Of course, being they ripped that future. Awards at lump sums are a discarded bides. Take current for the fact that Clement is going it in one lump sum this stage. So in Los Vernon's cases, it will having, in all cases, have a huge impact when it is changed. At the moment, it is a minus figure. Minus 0.75% does off. The 20th March started 17. Previously it was two point plus 2.5% and that had been the figure since deciding one so clearly a substantial difference to Clint's in the went from plus 2.5 to minus 0.75 meaning the factory that claimants would need to have Mawr and I that for a lump sum to meet the same mind in the future on that have served to increase asserts translate In some cases, the awards made to clearance as a result of the increase. Our sorry of the changes of this currently eight to minus 80.75 other worlds. What could be said to be a few Rory amongst certainly defend insurers on that led to the government institute in the consultation on the disk on rates on the government produced a response paper on the seventh of September 2017 effectively saying Hi should it be set in the future? It remains, of course, minus 20170.75%. In the report, Pirot 13. It says this there's clearly any for a fairer, better framework for the society of Just Convent Government turns to make following changed the law A. That red is to be set by reference to expected rates of return on a low risk Everest 54 40 of his investments rattled down, which is the current possession of variable risk investment. Look present. An assassin is right. It's the action of asking prices of 10 something. Investments available to that should be considered. This will make the red more realistic. The pressure was for the study of the just comment to the seller statute. There is an issue to be reviewed promptly after legislation comes into force and thereafter at least every three years, that period being reset when the rent has changed of years will be completed with a non genetic days of starting. This will avoid over on delays between views, which will make changes in the more predictable. Knowledgeable. The Red is to be set by Lord Chancellor with advice for an independent expert panel other than on the initial review, which should be by the Lord Chancellor with advice from the government. Actually Her Majesty's Treasury with Alec President. Also bear Stop Street Council T form of youth probably chaired by the government factory. I'm uncleared. I include four other members have experience. There's an actuary vessel larger under economist and finally experience in consumer Vasant affairs. It will continue to be possible to set different rates for different types of cases, including my reference to the length of the award. No chance of both know going periodical payment orders. Parker, 15 of the review. It said there's a key legal legal principle will be that the red should be written down in a reasoned opinion of Lord Chancellor, probably advised recipient off a lump sum of damages for future financial loss could be expected to achieve a fear. She invested the lump sum and a diversified nervous portfolio. But the end security that I had a lump sum the income from what would make the losses and calls what's their awarded when when harks back to full on the relevant down, this would be exhausted down a pair for what's there a border and this actually is the Lord Chancellor must considered the investments available on actually last month, made by clearance must make such launches for taxation. Inflation of investment management costs of the Lord Chancellor thinks appropriate. Paragraph 16 departments Government publishing draft courses important his conclusions for front views for in consideration of the responses Pray imaginative scrutiny. Intends to introduce manifestation to act The pros changed long department. The service Parliamentary time permits onsen Active James will be brought into force in the usual way in debt to the spouse fired by the Lord Chancellor. We will initiate a review of the RIT, which would be the last rate of the previous long. Within 90 days, that's review will be completed. The 180 days of the beginning of the review a new rental ran besides chance considered by the Lord Chancellor to be appropriate, the new it will come into force on the debt to effects by the Lord Chancellor. It's consequence of that. The civil liability build introduced into the House of Lords on the turn of the March suddenly team and entered the House of Commons in the 20th. Jensen hittin on having passed through the comments on with the man it's suggests by the Commons resolved and Noise of Lords and turn from November. It started in 18 dead of this webinar and awaits ruling ascent. It better provides for the rants to be set by reference to a lower risk averse five for port, 40 of investments rather than very low risk investments off the present, the risk is last. Last risk then would be taken by an ordinary Briton faster on more risk than very low risk. It's reviewed probably after legislation comes into force. In There are for at least every three years, and it's to be set by the Lord Chancellor. Phone consultation with an independent expert panel chaired by the Government directory on as a Present Majesty treasure looking, then at nor have lost loss of pension. So under the Pensions Act, those in charge and I have auto enrollment. So in every case there should be. Or maybe if there's been lots of journalism, I else would be a loss of pension claim. Three different types of pension defined benefit or defined contribution, really to determine loss of pension information will be muted from the employer. Whether or not they couldn't have been would have been promoted will fight through into employment pension calculations. Uh, there. There are also the issues of job security, employment, history and medical history. What will may our future employment like in light of those risks, will be a loss of widow's pension on what's the measure of losses, loss of the contributions to the pension or the cost of purchase of equipment. Pension. Teoh compensate the Clement, appropriately looking at the different types off pension to find benefit. Their most obvious example of this or final salary schemes, whether or not they exist in future, is up for discussion. But any final salary schemes benefits are defined in advance, usually in terms of final salary or the number of personal years. Princeton, with service were a factor off one secretary, 1/80 for each year of commencement service finance Risk sharing The benefits of pain lies with the employer. Just what I said. Many large employers drowned difficulties with their final sorry scheme. Moment. Uh, another type is career average revived Internet skin with its caress. Kim's benefits dependent on a combination of each year's pants and earnings skins. Cruel it on under a revitalization off in crude pension entitlement. France. Risk of essence of insurance benefits are paid again lies with the employer defined contribution skins. I am on the purchase of personal pensions. On the other hand, rescue lies with member benefits. Depending on the combination of the amounts painted by member Martin spending by the employer, the investment returns received up to retirement on the nearly rates available. Retirement annuity is an active card rather than cash or gold. On. As I said, the financial risk and need types of persons came at lies with the member. All right, the Pensions Act 2012 satellite set into motion order moment and pensions so the employers are not required. All one roller, please excuse me, boys. Only over 11,000 problem into a worker's pension of variance between 20 on state pension age, the employer must come to one side of earnings that would rise 2%. That road 2% from the first of April 17 will write a 3% from the first report side. In 19. The employees must contribute 1% of writings as well. That route to 3% from the freshman outside 19 on will write a 5% from the first meal outside in 19. There's no requirement for the self employed to enroll. No doubt the government would advise us yourself employed to enrol on a. For instance, terms of cargo and loss of pension has lost. Evidence of Snead is if it's a defined benefit or care pension plan that you need to obtain a copy of The Members Guide on obtained a copy of the most recent step off the individual member skin with benefits if it's a defined contribution scheme member or were mostly workplace pensions. Aziz, one of our pension funds you need to find finding a turn, attend the current violet of the parent pension fund on the 10 invited contributions foregone from the employer on the member on the effect that it would have on on pension. Then practices will want to consider whether on actually are friends should be instructed to work out what the actual pension most has been to date of trial on what likely? Pension. Also be going forward as a result, off the injury or the tort. Don't rely on quotations from French providers or online quotations on they often incorporate. And patients, of course, will be incorporated in ah, are tribal approach. Keep in mind life expectancy at the life expectancy is in power. Um, there's also the possibility of last year's clear my pension ulcers between the end of post accident life expectancy in the end of pre acts in life expectancy. Don't assume, but in vigilant will retire instead. Pensioners. They have a letter printed it in mind, and it may be a panish is lost claim without loss of earnings. Quinn, for example, public sector to private sector. If the person is it can roll. Continuing public sector will unfair amending their state pension age. And when that will change for women, it's that will be it is nigh 8 65 For a man and woman that'll increase to 67 between December outside and obtain an apple cider 28 on it will increase to 8 68 between 2037 on 2039. Carrie issues care then, so this is gratuitous. Character would otherwise be given. It's getting for free ball for by a family member had Sanskrit treatise name Nature, but it come give rise to a separate. Have lost. If it's over and above, the care with other lights have been given by a particular out family member or friend. Um, it could be quantified on tip takeaways by on already writ or but in fact, a little starting stuff. Member of the family house. No, sorry, don't, because they've had Teoh miss a day's work, for example, to care for someone who's just been injured. There is a commercial red satellite band. Facts and Figures. Teoh in 17 82 died in 18 19 on facts and figures. Uses the Spinal Point date of martial joint consul to work on what the commercial that would be. Consider when the car is given if it's on social ours and props Cuban orbit for a higher writ on a discount for non commercial care if it's getting by family members opposed to someone who's has been employed to get the character. The case of Adam's first Pontypridd Roofing LTD. Suggests a global discount of 25% to take con for the the various taxes and, um, other aspects off a commercial cat should be taken out to give a known commercial care figure. Check local carrots for the for the little environment, for example, none is likely to have higher carrots. And outside London, consider what local commercial commercial aids and cigarettes are. Also, residential care might be necessary if the person is to go into full time. Residential Cower needs toe Have Brad's residential care of you so often also worth considering his respite care for other members of the family? Um, on the course of it on it could be factored him. Then, when Jules consider whether Karen it's changed over time, for example of Children are gonna move out of the home, that child is given some insurance cat moment. That may need to be some kind of a commercial Cara factored in. I like divorces. Result of promise. A chance personality calls, but injury a move away from family or family moving away from, uh, the claimant. Well, the injuries cause deterioration on what will be the effect of age be. Should it be a period periodical payments order made for linked to the earning statistics for Karen and Catastrophic Injury case? Of course, the the claim will need perhaps a care reports that night didn't carries on the 60 week year approach, starting with versus of George's Healthcare. Also, consider any extra services it would be required in the 19 of you required because they child care can be done so easily. Will it be cleaners or heist clear keepers? Or will they clean every require? More often it will be increased school freeze, for example. With kids more, I need to go Teoh, a closer private school, whereas otherwise it could have been taken to a state school with the Children I need to board at school and will result in an increase in school fleets. We'll never need to be gardeners were 100 men to do D i Y. That would otherwise be done by the injured party. Will there be a need for some to cook o. R for increased call call So takeaways if they are injured. Applying claimed. Can't I'm take any cooking? Born instructed. Anyone in the country combination costs at a particular different issue at the moment, with Just can't it. So a typical Robert Roberts and Johnson Award following the decision of the court and not case um kind of Clarendon, the president reaction. Who needs more expensive? A combination that would otherwise be the kids as a result of injury? Uh, be entitled. Teoh recovered down, just related to the increased couple. Cost off the accommodation. They're also Johnson formula is effectively just Conrad. So that's minus 0.759 whereas before, with 2.5% times increase couple song times their lifetime multiplier that will equal the capital required participle combination difficulty of the uh, minus 0.75% That's gone right. Is the high court applying outputs such award Nell at to the Clement for such a have lost Whilst recognized that current law is unsatisfactory. This is because the, uh, the consequence off the minus discriminate means of the the world will have to be now because the increasing cost of the property, uh, will be mawr than minus 1.75 days concrete so that it effectively ends up in a nail. I'd come on the claimant, despite having to and clearly explained money, Teoh adopt or purchase alternative accommodation. There's going to out of pocket for that can't be commented that because they approach as buyers by court, being and notes and Johnson, this is clearly an issue that the high court has recognized. Uh, Mr Justice, William Davis and Jr's wrestle chef of teaching hospitals in 2017 said that there needs to be a proper solution to the combination. Can find more recently indicates that sweat first carpenter, Mrs Justice Lambert. It's that little turnover formulation. Advancement claims in our particular case were produced of couple eyes of final fear greater than all sports deformed. Isn't time to address its formulation will produce a windfall. What's court Roberts considered to mount overcompensation Don't see Orson Johnson formula. So I said, as far as I'm concerned that this be the end of the matter. The circumstance I make no award in respect to the additional costs associated with purchase. Special accommodation found that case swift, a copper at has been permission has been granted to cover pale on we're with You won't come without appeal. Just go back to the case of J R Brushes. Sheffield Permission was granted to court. Put in that case as well, but the person Jury Bar Association applied to intervene in that case. Arguments issue to provide clarity for the bar. Ah, for action and some for insurers on force ministers. Um before that appeal was determined, the party's resolved it, um, therefore, they shoot the case of sweat first, and Carpenter is a live one on the Court of Appeal. Well, that addressed the issue off rocks and Johnson wards and not appeal, uh, ads of equipment, of course. Combat important out of loss. What one? Let's remember the initial light late, plus the replacement costs. For the particular item. Use either the average general costs and book plan for the period of loss, or use periodic multiplier. So if it needs to bay replaced every five years, and I will be a period multiplier for every five years for whatever period of time would be. That would also include clearing additional Pactual insurance tax calls for large vehicles of a large vehicles necessary as well as that those particular vehicles of NASA and replacements. Eyes were an aspect of car washing. Cleaning figure items of I T technology is an I T consultant needed to provide a report into extra I T costs and then also the issue of prosthetics that someone has lost a normal leg on their suppressing. Prosthetic. A. No doubt at present report one will be necessary on the principle of some compensation should apply so that there may need to be some consideration for in for the development of prospect ascetics and the fact that they may get better but also make become more expensive in the future. On some thought, maybe needed may be necessary determining the appropriate level compensation Not scenario. Whole days. Of course, if there's an additional cost of holy, for example, does the injured person if they're not disabled, the day growing for room without increasing also, Holiday said and hotels is our annual multiply that should be applied to that cost of its nine cost example is case of I suppose Health Board, uh, is there also an increase in the cost of flights? Dude doesn't injured person need more legroom than its traveling premium bringing economy business class now, as a result of the injury on, should not be factored in on future loss basis. Medications treatments Going back to the diary that we spoke about beginning this webinar a diary will help if it has being filled. Light um, by the claimed dial. Help to get monthly costs of medication for a parcels calculation on will help to get the character that they correct figure. Fernald Com Going forward on a multiplier approach from the used market going forward if it supported by medical evidence. Uh, work heart surgery costs, including necessary multiplier of one applies, pretend to infest, Of course. Make sure interest is included on pleaded I Do It serve the clear months it issued on their practice Direction 16 and CPR Apartment 4.2. Clint Must start sister the schedule of details of any parts of future expenses and also to cleanse on N. C. P. R. 16.42 years between second and chassis nuts. Step with his gentle in terms of the contract unlikely and oppressed. And you can't. It's like to be on the of the Supreme Court of the County Court Act under the Night Mints which is was like in person trick Lemonis. So which or fits on some other basis. And that's what that basis is. If it's first, best find might have money State presented. Really, which and dresses claimed debt from which it's claimed the debt towards a chocolate person must not being a damn lots of claim for was issued the total amount of entrance cue into deaf calculation. The Daily Arena, which interested Cruise after that that could be selling in a in a section of LOS on the interest, will normally run off course on general damages and then of issue, but in particular on special dominance. Did those losses were incurred? What's their recurring? Also, often half a special contract is used off special continent Moment pain 0.5%. Finally looking apart, 36 on It's worth reminding ourselves that under $36. 17 paragraph four interested up to 10% of money money, water could be made. Um, there is also that, of course, reversion. Uh, there foreign desk element which shall not exceed 75,000. This is calculated by applying described percent. So I blow to one, which is someone to the claim by the court or when there is no monetary award somewhere to claim back court respective costs. My reward by the court prescribed percentage. So it's up to fit up to five identifies and terrorism might awarded with about 500,010% fresh 6500 subjected about 75,005% of our named above that figure. So it's always worth making a part. 36 offer. A particular in mind bearing in mind can get an extra £75,000 on top of the challenges if they managed to break down part of its six offer. So that's a quick run. Three off key aspect, in my opinion, off maximizing damages for claimants. I hope the world are has been of interest on that. You will be able to make sure that the amount of downturns or maximize for any claims going forward. Thank you very much for watching listening