Hi, My name is Rachel Coyle on today's weaponize about housing planning up to 16 not to. We'll find that someone deal with hot sticks in Park Honestly, which also this particular night hoping to address its ones. Part seven. But this women are more about the more planning side of it, whereas the other webinar is about Part six but the contact of neighborhood development plans, which is slightly different. Yes, it's involved with planning, but it's it's a slightly different emphasis. So this isn't about neighbourhood planning developments plans. This is more to do with actual local cunning or something called planning in principle, as well as compulsory purchase orders and how they operate after 2016 act. So with this but not mean seemed basically of knowledge. In any event, on this, webinar is more geared towards those who are or some complaints it because I said something to me. Beware. Upset. You are operating field comport purchased, but also as he could be aware of the regulations as well. So let's deal than with local planning on hit, as it's also known as which is planning commission in Prince I'm commission principal off so turning slightly to this webinar part six of the house. I'm planning out 2016 looks. Everything deals with local planning. Local planning of pit is designed to facilitate the proposed office to residential rebuild, but as permitted development right in that yet today was dependent. Ordered Teoh crew. It's part of the act enabled a development order to require the approval of the planning authority. Well, it's actually state. For any matter related to building operation. We'll use a plan. Fine. He's financial operations. So it might be that you want to have an office. Thanks. But you might want standing good into residential that would be noted, committed development. Right? And it might do you need the approval? The lp A to decide by a P. I mean the local planning authority. Well, I will say those are missing context of the pine freedom scheme which I dressed in the birth webinar. The new scheme would supply or modify spectacle time provision for a specified period to facilitate increasing out of houses in the planning area concerned when one is looking out to pick commission in principle. So what is permission in principle? Well, sexual 150 off the house and coming out 2016 Delta What's called housing development? In other words, it introduces a new way that goes beyond what traditional crime commission application persons achieve to try and ensure that those quicker, more perhaps lucrative way inspires investment is concerned and ensuring that they can be so investment and growth inherent development before commissions actually formally given it means that you don't have to have that long wait. Post consultation waits as well. So what purpose is hard to do is allowed permission in principle housing left about so it isn't like commercial situations. This is more about, like, which will provide about with effectively. Great uncertainty are concerned. More generally, stake in the cycle. The term houses lad. Admittedly, it is rather big does appear to believe their developments. Where there is a mix of return commercial, Um, uses, as long as the key component is the housing of the post just the commercial so you can have a mixed use developments that fall within this bracket. But the emphasis should be on housing. The pick will be granted either on the adoption off what's called for my document. This is a development plan document for neighborhood development, plan off the limiter, or application to the local planning authority. So the intention of PIP is to speed up, affect the planning process by granting automatic permission. Subject first technical details this might location uses, so it is designed to be full. Hinds that's are required. Local Cummings authorities register, which very quiet now. Keep under Section 151 for the house and find out 15. Now one of these about qualified doctor it's about the register is that moment. There's no express reference to sexual 512 Brownfield science. But it appears that this magic in ultimately aimed to regeneration off the Yusof Brownfield sites help needs because the demand for housing on what mission principle will achieve its hopefully devote of those brownfield sites that might not otherwise be developed in a quick period of time because it just hyped that investors on developments with keen to develop on such sites when they might not otherwise have done if they could get that permission principle from the beginning or close to beginning possible rather than a year or even two years down the line after being massively, massively respect our design program design documentation. That doesn't mean to say that developers should should responsibility and having a document detailing exactly what it is they proposed because one of these they do need to do is obtain what tactical details consent. This is probable geared toward better wanting. Teoh have take a batch permission in principle on brownfields. Right, Because what's a technical detail consent involves is the l P A l P A. Would not be able to, um, refused mission if he would fire on one of these and have consent in relation to the technical details. Those technical details you need to address our things like is the land contaminated contaminated? What infrastructure going to put into place? How are you going to look after the environment in which you are attempting to build very sure that dusted captured many members and so on, so the development will still need to address the technical details. And yes, there will be money spent on that. But at least it would not necessarily be in vain if you know we've got the benefit published in principle and more importantly, the local planning authority. Like I say, I cannot refuse permission in the circumstances where there is a technical problem that hasn't already been dealt with in terms of getting the consent of my consent. Give him. So what sexual 51 does. Just not sexual, big might say is that is that the secretary steak now issue regulations, which requires a local planning authority to maintain a register of land in the area, which will feel a certain criteria. The government hopes to use this power to require local planning authorities to compile a list of those brown field sites in the area to encourage them. When a classic example. If you just look at the situation, for example, Kings cross If you notice cross in London that he heavily have developed. I used to be, well, make shots. You could say This is good brow from side there. In fact, we were done infernal imputed time. It was great much yourself, in any event by British Waas, and therefore it was a classic example. If it was post 2016 act that would have involved environment that could have been grabbed, couldn't evolve permission in principle, potentially. So you will see it just amazing that that is rather subjective requested a major development. Such a won't buy two or seven just turning Now Teoh looked. It's like three. So now looking slide or, uh, such more cartoons such more about seven deals with committed development rights. It's actually 60 time country coming out. 1919 allows a general planning permission to be granted in England to allow, says and change made to building without applying prime mission. What sexual world 52 does is that it introduces the approval process of building operations such as demolition, rebuilding and structural obligations. It's our search Alternations of, in addition to building seven on what it means is that on the station 62 I just not included in the town. Planning got 1990 results of 2000 when it called Applying for admission to secretary of state development may apply for admission to the sector state If the L P A is designated by Secretary of State do you to value to determine applications for them all the development is quote a major cast beauty category. Yet, um, does appear to have made a minor development. We're such wonderful 53 to 2016 act announced its actual state to designate a local authority performance in attorney applications for Caspian Development, described in regulations which could now include separate Castries nominated about. So what that means is that the local planning authority itself is defined as a mine development. They're involved with admissions unless, of course, they have been detonated by sexual state as being an l. P A. That is incapable bailing Teoh determine applications. Oh, it's actually stay, saying it can only be involved with developments that are considered major, and that is above a commission that respect. So those are two separate categories subject to the condition of has been a very by the LP, which would you say, stay identified. But they also this actually steak night, Colonel Suspect if I applications that will still need to be considered by the appearance, even if your party has Bean does a native woman so proud of freedom schemes on the sexual by full. They have a plan up to Steve. Example introduces the concept off schemes which to supply or 155 crime provisions you know, to facilitate the increase in the amount of power in the planning. Very concerned, the secretary of state can issue such schemes for specified Aaron England's most the L. P A. Has requested funding freedoms, UH, a funded scheme or, if there's a need for housing in the area on the proposed scheme, would accord building well because it has been carried out in sections. Days had a chance to studio. This is all that slide. Five. So when L. P. A. Except going application locking always, they have benefits that includes community infrastructure, levy or government grounds. And that's why it's part of sexual 55 You are acquires an L. P A. Or is a planning officer to compile a report. Those benefits were making recommendations. Try not to start six cutting obligations. My obligations under section 106. The town and country coming up 1990 are agreements between a private developer and local authority designed to get you to development in the area. In addition to that, So Section 158 off the house and found out 2016 it. So it's what's called a new section 16 that a into the 1990 hours, which then in turn introduces a new schedule known. I know what this shed or 98 does is that it requires the government to appoint someone to investigate where disputes arise over planning obligation agreement. Um, but when it promised to the appointment of that person, it's also important to bear in mind Section 159 Well, because this insert sexual ones 06 that being to 1990. Act in which on the subsections wanted to Secretary of State has the power to make regulations to restrict. You heard conditions on the enforceability kind of obligation to late into the provision of affordable housing. So essentially, what that means is that there's now a new dispute resolution procedure orations planning obligations, which has made amendments to Section 106 on what that service does is that it allows applicants for authorities to ask the secretary of state to appoint an independent person. But these recommendations by The Independent on non binding about the terms of Section one of six agreement where just otherwise likely that permission will be granted on a specified period has passed. There's no good trying to go and get this independent Person Commission looks extremely likely. There's no point in appointing an independent person. It's just even one narrow issue it is about to try and resolve it between yourselves. But also important if he turned to slice seven, is that second, the secretary of state also has the power to grab development consent for housing. Large scale developments related to energy, transport, water waste. Now this is also known as, and I pay. What this does is that it it it includes house how it's functionally linked to the infrastructure projects as well. There is no factual link, but there's a cost. Your graphical link between E. What this essentially means is that the sexual state has a little bit more problems with an S I p I projects that are intended to not just be nearly a development devoted that is effectively creating a community. Take, for instance, at spinning fields in Manchester. That is a mixed use development. In part, you've got some residential, you've got some commercial. There is a limit to the number of cars that could be part there. There is a provision also, most likely or whether it caused are to be parked. That's a common thing in sexual or six agreements. Take another example. Kings cross development. There's a such one of six agreements in place about how residents on the site, if they are to have parking, is to be in parking provided as part of the building, which they live than otherwise allowed permits by the council. Part of Section one of six agreement reason being is to try and reduce traffic in the area, try and ensure that was no pollution in the area. But as part of that, that therefore has meant that needs to be some kind of parking facility is part of the development program, which they about her arms the council will have discussed between them as part of that one. Is it arrangement? So that best those are just some of the examples of how sexual one of six work. But if they have been any dispute post to guard 16 they have won. The dispute resolution says, comes into play, but none of what they say binding. They are merely recommendations, But I would encourage those who are struggling to call to an agreement on the more major issues to consider this possibility because it is intended to try and smooth things over and ensure that they're still affordable housing being provided but which is contained within an area which does take into account things like the environment, health and safety off pedestrians, cyclists and so on. And that's why it's part of its commonly seen for nationally significant infrastructure projects. Because these Mornar scale they're also powers as well. How cool that pilots planning application administrations now be outsourced. This is a PowerPoint slide. Eight. This is Dr That sections one of six months of school. What this does is it tests is attached to introduce competition in the process and not determination applications to do with planning to do with planning on past the terminology is not very specific. As to what that parents and tentative gear, because planning on me anything and everything is we won't know. But what it does mean is that Africans confused to submit an application process into either local authority or two number, debt based alternative and therefore it allows. This is only the context of England, Of course, on there are regulations which are required by the details of the pilot. Well, it's not yet know if awareness will be rolled out across all of England. How? Please write nine so if you want 662168 of the act requires Secretary state. Consult local habitants businesses authorities before designating a location as urban area. This does continue time changes that were made by the deregulation of 2000 thing and any order to creating you. D. C is subject to affirmative Parliament you procedure but the sections of the 2016 active also de high hybridized process that was removed the right petition against the creation off the UDC. I'm more than making off in order to designate areas nine in England as the site with opposing town this exact, you still have to consult extensively. If a development corporation is established, it must aim to contribute teaching a sustainable development and must in particular regard desirability. Good design, Sexual 169 to 1 70 Turning now to PowerPoint slide. 11. We've already dealt with publics. I had previously the implications. So what are the implications? Are changes in the 2016 acts in the context of planning pit Well, the dispute resolutions provisions are like to make a matter of difference less gets break their starting point on use of conditions instead of planning obligations on the useful template agreements being just bungling together. So authorities would may be potentially more caging and saying exactly whether they like to grant permission and therefore may look to first games to secretary state. To block out an appeal would protect period assessment. Watch out. Also, it's creating a local plan. Preparation impressions, liver, five year housing. Land supply is likely to continue to intensify because the 2016 after effectively gives the government a little bit more controlled. The extent of planning corporate issues, such a starter homes, green balconies and all the themes after commonly cropping up in the context of housing development and also the switching of surgeon tax with horrible house obligations. Oh, on starring writing plum policy. I have it start home delivery. So it might be that the page p A. The House of parents are 16. It's increasing the overall regulatory burden on authorities, and that's certainly how it seemed to be a in the course of time. A little less resource is one good thing that cons artist is picked because it's on houses and attractiveness to lend it because I know more inclined to do better have set demand otherwise have done because it's a slightly more such an outcome. And also, if you have got master plan in place, um, you got a local authority appeared to that will be supported by least initially. Then it does say seeing that process will be quick up. People smooth and hope the last night that have such one of six disputes, um, were given the power to create local development or does already exist. Of course, the question aliens taught incentive there is for authorities to dedicate Resource is to it, but something else to very mind. So let's look powerful. It slides 12 onwards, Which doing reports Repurchase which top seven. Now this is being dealt with. It's essentially a massive part off the act. I am only seeking to draw to your attention the key parts as far as I can make help which that almost ready for your benefit again, this assuming banks level of knowledge so began. If you don't know enough about compulsory purchase, this may not be the weapon are at full year one for looking at a later date. Once you are a 1,000,000 alternative, you might be interested in what the changes on that one took a leading contacts and do it your way around, but never that of a senior face number of knowledge. They're part seven off 60 deals with compulsory purchase sections, 17 to 1 80 What did they say? What they says it allows or gives all of crime authorities same powers of entry to land. The purpose of carrying up surveyed price that being compulsory quiet, which matches includes standard warrant provision is done. And it's a period of 14 days to be given to every owner occupied the land before entering to carry out a survey. Sexual. 1 80 Emergency acquisition of London 1981 Quite secular state minister did well to publish a tide table set out step to be taken confirming for authorities. Full CPS TV Being sort of, of course, the sexual also provides being. I know report published on compliance with timetables. Section one. I want slide routine. Allows the confirming authority usually have a minister to appoint, inspects to access place respected Comparing A It's actually wanted to amend the compulsory purchase at 19 by so that what is the next street for a live alternately general resting decoration decoration cannot be served late and three years after first order was obtained that you do or do not know this is too recognises that confused about which there can be possession. Plant subjective order. It's actually one of three deals with best decorations. It's like detail because under the compulsory purchase, best decorations at 1981 on a while, Authority had to issue the eliminate notice of intention on waiting for two months before the general besting. Now such wanted three abortions. The need for who? Publishing a criminal notice. An authority must publish a prescribed statement about the effect. Part 23 off the 1981 act. You're already doing that in the manager confirmation of to set up its crab statement. Is your monetary confirmation noticed in such wanted Fallis published work? 16 extends the minimum period between this notice that is that prescribed statement. Want Reconfirmation between that notice and appointed which land may be taken into possession around 20 days to remove similarly such wanted by clarifies that's requiring authority may not execute a general best in desperation is that blood that they've already served notice to treat in respect of that probably slide. 17. Such 186 changes the minimum notice period, after which possession of land. Maybe take her under the nose to treat for entry procedure from 14 days to three months. If a new interest in the month emerges before possession, a short notice period of 14 days is allowed that belonged to your interest is not section 187 How come it's Line 18 enables a person in possession of land subjective CPO to serve a counter notice? This requires a transparent land. To have on a specific date is to avoid the certainty of liabilities if required authority. Take possession on the date specified in a nice eventually sexual warning. Tight. How was like 19? The last requirement? Authorities Landowner subject. CPO to agree to postpone the date off possession such a 19 to PowerPoint slide. 20. That's amends. Demand compensation up to 1961. It's a last secretary state with contacted Wells Mr to make regulations to impress birth Wyman's about notice Claimants escaped the choir vulgarity detail in the compensation sores. Barring that Section one. Line three, Which is doubt with that car point slide. Sorry, it's actually two X trees down with pop My slide 21 but also get size. So one night. Three. Because that you one night three love compensation to be claimed bio successor to a piece of lumps. Objective CPU, even if the successor has not been served with notice to treat little bonus off like compensation are concerned. Three. Entitled 12 months payment out of any non transparent. What's actions? One night board for 98 do is modify that to 33 out to make a system clear, quicker and clarify one of payments most hated necessary. The House implying up. 2016 He met with the seven Transitional Provisions Regulations 2018 Role Section 19 to 198 into pools on the sixth of April 2018. Seven. Subsection 196 was already partially enforce the purposes, only making regulations on a Section 52 beings of section for the 1933 that is interest on our fans. Pains off compensation paid late session two and three have won 21 Confess the power to ever write easements rights well at, such as whether Landis, subject to planning consent for building was being appointed by local planning authority for purposes. The authority could acquire the land compulsorily that perhaps the building maintenance on the building will make this work. It's related to the purposes for which was vested acquired or appropriated restrictive covenants as well. This is again something that no final thoughts and regeneration companies can override. Huh? Essentially what these sections achieved in section to a degree, is replaced rather part of 1990. Act in order expanded powers that is the past forever right rights, such as restrictive covenants to other require authorities to start going to take Are any of those will drive to weapon any railway? Not really traveling right? Transport, water transport Now in some navigation dock all I have to take it or any undertaking would supply power operator Second, his body developing love that best in or acquired by Mr Find authority or body established by the Sorry that brings to supplies this weapon off. Thank you. By the end, it's but not, you know, understand how it works in Florence. $2. 60. I think if you're going to focus on anything particular Section two, a three important tonight and Section 193 Well, but I'd also be allowed time, period really bailed out what I can say in such one and four through two. Section 186 Do you focus on that? You don't remember anything webinar, but also be aware that we do not now need purposes off a compulsory purchase. Besting decoration. You do not know me to have an issue issuing over Clintonites intention you need only have described state, which is like the much confirmation. So I stay, I said. That's the main thing you need to you remember about the changes. Ask for the changes in Part six. I think there really are two with pick. Pretty important how it works, how it operates, what is it and also what it's like to achieve as well. And if you do have any client to contemplate development, look at whether it's a major category or a mining category like a science is relative. Section 60 up in 1992 sections, 15 to 12 5 7/2 down 16 and because I will determine whether not they could potentially mission principle, which may help make decisions about what they want to go, has area. What do you be warned? That when it comes to any conflicts, make sexual six agreements, you don't have to necessarily brushed it out. Coming in. You can now have this resolution process as well, but I guess I how that was going to pay with, I don't know. But again, it is time to take great webinar sticks with this particular section. This Web knowledge to dealing with hasn't kind of thing my head has assisted. I appreciate the flow and talk just met 20 United A. If you are wanting to detail about Isler sections I mentioned all, of course it puts were more detail or about the planning on picking more detail. So please fill in your request today to see if that's something not like me being the top. This is going to happen. Please take a look at your violation flowing out. I think about investing