Hello. Welcome, everybody and very pleased to welcome you to place bite side sessions through data. Today I'm going to be speaking to you about the family or injunctions on particularly road, where we're looking at a position with urgent orders and our sort of position with return dates. My name's after memories on my solicitor on a lecturer, so we'll be looking at both cases one or sort of practice guidance on without notice on one notice applications on therefore urgent orders without no disorders and also return dates and also be looking specifically at the president's guidance in relation to these applications. So let's put this into context, and this is where many of you will do with cases related to applications on the part for the farm Lou Actor, Mountain 64 Normal estacion or Drunk Occasions and also for occupational disease on What we're looking at is the situation whereby you may be seeking these orders on without notice basis. What we used to call ex parte and X Party or without notice applications are those which will be applied for pursuit of Section 48 subsection one of the family worked mind 96 and essentially, one has to shoulder out 1 to 3 factors there. The 1st 1 that we often refer to rely upon is the fact that there was like Dr Person would suffer significant harm if the order is not made immediately. That's where let's say you're acting for a client who has been the victim of domestic abuse recently, say yesterday or today in the last few days, and there is a likelihood of repeated problems that they formed a necessitate. They required a benefit of, um, order really almost straight away, as opposed to having a notice here and maybe late trying a week. What they're after would only benefit in order as soon as possible. The second situation where you may find that your seeking an order without notice is where you see the order on the Section 45 1 whereby your client is likely to be deterred from playing if the order is not made immediate. That's where the client may be saying that if the order was not sort of obtained today, then once a nifty responded his side with the application for unnoticed even that your client may be deterred for planning on the basis that day may feel Reprisals from the respondent if they were then said with the application, that may suffer problems from the respondent thereafter. On the third situation, where you may see concluded without notice this where you relied upon section 45 1 on the basis that the respondent is, did you put the evading service on? But, uh, services requires a much of agency, so that might be the third situation. Now, what this case of JM and sees that illustrates is the fact that if applications are being made without notice that it's very important to ensure that return dates are listed and made available as soon as practicable thereafter. This is a case where, by an application was made by the respondent from discharge of without notice, injunction being made, the application that we made in the Section 62 on the basis that the parties concerned had been in an intimate personal relationship with each other off significant durations under terms of the order were set out, and the order was made for a period of one year unless you was revoked or varied. But a court previously and the respondent was given liberty to apply so effectively was doing permission to apply for variation or discharge of Deal given 48 hours and altars to the other parties. And, of course, the core hunt, in fact, listed it for further hearing about this. With what? This was just short of six months of Richmond older sister. Then we consider deposition. So there wasn't a returned out listed a few weeks or so after the original order was my original without notice. Now the court and went through Section 45 in particular, the factors on the section 45 1 which would necessitate the needful without notice, order to be made on a particular section. 45. To that, I just mentioned Andi, in particular to court, looked at Section 45 Subsection three, which provides Dave to court, does make an order by virtue of subsection one night without tests on one of the factors and 45 to it must have afford to respond an opportunity to make representations relating to the order as soon as it's just inconvenient for here on what Mr Justice most in this case provided was his Lordship said, a paragraph eight that it is necessary, therefore, to have an Inter parties hearing listed very Synovus, without noticing the granting to respond off liberty to apply for such a here, simply did not satisfy that provision at all. And His Lordship specifically referred to the fact that there were problems that were being raised in this court and another areas all around England Wales were buying many cases. Respondents were not turning upon my return date on the courts were therefore finding out if there were listing the match from a 10 day trying to find that respond. It was not that was here. It was ineffective. Course were feeling that you would be better to. Instead, give responded the opportunity to contact the court by giving them to apply. So did seek to apply to failure discharging or simply would have to contact the court on according a stick. According however, his Lordship said that this simply was insufficient in this was the wrong step to take. One of the other things that this case does also highlighted the fact that the power of arrest that may be attached to the occupational does you know you have to apply for that in the section 47 of the family back in my six is that that power rescue exactly made, and if he's made it could be granted prepared less than the original occupational if progress in court come making order, not choose less than the actual occupational in the circumstances. A lot depends upon the purpose of the power of arrested what necessary in the circumstances. But the key provisions in this case was his Lordship did say that Pakistan, making the move as it was drafted torments order was made. Forget to reply with a common practice in what was then the principal registry. Now, of course, the central family called part of the reason had been that many respondents simply have not attended the return date and therefore the applicant You're guilty of Venus of County Court on two occasions to let you order whereby if there was one hearing respondent and wanted to apply to favor discharges, including up to contact the court. But the court said that this practice did not accord with what Section five Subsection three actually requires. Do not be caught, and instead, His Lordship said Dr Return, that should be listed around 14 days after without made but responded still to confirm in writing within seven days before he returned to the applicant quarters to weapons Your she didn't intend to attend a hearing to argue to variation or discharge. If the respondent fail to right to call him, contact them within that period and we could, in fact notified I returned. It should then be dictated. Invite 1/4 extended. So that was really what was been suggested. Not us. Way of the then President Family division. Sir James Mumby put together the guidance off 13th October 2014 would very much this in mind. I haven't gone to the goddess in great detail simply because it has been superseded by more later guns of January 2017. God be with you shortly. That subsequent of actually was yet another case. Then it was under case of real W minus 2016 case. This was a hard court case also handed down by but by Mr Justice Mosque and sitting in court. And what his lordship Marty for here on emphasized was that the guidance by the president was simply not being followed. Cares about pretensions that were being made for without no disorders. this case itself involved two Children on that orders were made for Pamela Station orders. In the circumstance again, the mother had left the family home and she wanted a refuge with Children. And the father loves an application seeking taking folk to court inherent jurisdiction to located Children on This was a case where by at the court, having fact pursued with dealing with the application phenomena station order. This have been granted without notice on the father. Later lodge an application for child arrangements. Holder suit contact with various persons were listed Onda heard in the circumstances. But in terms of the without notice, more molestations is concerned. This had been handed down on granted but without following the president's guidance, and that the order had been made for term of one year and also was provided for, uh new. Considered further here on a date to be fixed by a court officer on request by the respondent. And this is where his Lordship said very clearly that this was a clear violation of the president's guidance off 13th October 2014 in relation to return date. His Lordship said it was violation about gardens and that appeared endured one year was greatly in excess of the long period specified in the ransom for two days, and further that they do not provide in the face of it for a specified return date. Now one of the other things that his Lordship did emphasize was that without North's orders are to be seen as being the exception and not the ruling. Seven dances and His Lordship emphasized that he had been stated time and time again. DUP, without notice, really for export early must be very much exception but defends the parliament of spurs off natural justice and judicial decisions should really want right after both sides of his Lordship said that it was really essential ingredient administration of justice, one should only depart from this in the circumstance of great risk for harm. Showing would be party at such times who turned out in misted their after some conceit, in this case, very concerned about failure to comply with the president's guards position noticed on turn dates. That's where subsequently do then President Family didn't put together be practice guidance, family court duration of its party without notice or disabilities. January 2017 Mr Gardens, that we currently have. So the previous guidance of 30 October 2014 husband superseded with this guidance on a very important to be familiar with this. If I just run through some of the key provisions of discarded with you, that's a paragraph I have discarded from some poor sets out that the X Party, without noticing juncture, must never be made without limited time, there must be fixed. Endowed. It's not enough to simply signed up to be turned back, so must ensure that your grounds on its face sets. That's precisely the point on a day when you will expire. Secondly, the President Program five set out a deal. Must fix a return date from a specified date Time place over here on their return. They should normally be no more than 14 days after. When do you might? Okay, how long to him returned out his Mr which is a discretion. Good judge. Sometimes it may be appropriate for short list, and as you'll appreciate in some court, you may find that a list of his former sites is 20 minutes, for example, but it must be returned to normal no more than 14 times after original. That no disorders. It's very, very controlled at that. Then Roman numeral three of paragraph five of this practice gardens provides that Africans Village wants to get into the duration of a New Yorkers that I made without notice. You know, there has to be a return day, nor next in normally 14 days after. It doesn't mean, of course, but that no disorder has to grieve this for two days. His lordship did side up. Money orders will be of short duration, typically morning 14 days. But sometimes in proper cases, such as the molestation orders granted, particularly where there has been long term abuse, then it may be that the order was made for a longer period of time before six months old. 12 months provided I used to love returned a more four days late on a longer order, say six months may be appropriate or already, allegations off longer term abuse, when some other dreams and so may find in some limited cases may in fact get a lot broader nor circumstances OK. Similarly appeared shorter. Six months by a pro Pierce degree may be a one off problem that may subside in Fury's rather months, so of course, in a proper cases, if you're dealing with a case right beside her husband, long term abuse going on for some time. So it's not been a nice alleged event. It's been going on for some months. If there's going to be time required to enable situation to defuse yourself starts to Labour Party to move on with their life, perhaps, or said as Children of old and they're going to need to be appeared of time in which there are discussions, negotiations with a view to putting in place settle problem, contact example that may be that you are going to be seeking longer term or lost circumstances. Mobile six months retirement. But as the president made it clear in a moment more through a paragraph five of this January 2017 guards, it must still be returned eight My morning for 14 days without no, that's very, very important thing. To bear in mind the fact that these orders are made without no two sides. Mr Justice Mosque in Re w emphasized these by themselves naturally offend general principles of natural justice and their relation on made for as long as is necessary, and they should be turned out soon they after. With that in mind, Norman, you know, four off paragraph five of this 18th of joining 2017. Guidance raises some very other very important issues. And that is the order must make it clear that it was made in the absence of a respondent and, of course, has considered only the evidence of the applicants. And, of course, was has made no funds of fact. The case against very important that order makes that clear. No funds will be made. And the court heard, of course, one side of the story because the respondent was not going to court in my hear from responding where the evidence is written, it must be identified exceptionally. Do Court has received a lot of other evidence such a mobile photographic evidence that the evidence should be recorded in the face of or reduced their right to fight with the older. So this is where it's very important. If you're gonna do go without, say, for example, we're waiting to see the judges, Magistrates and replying to provide you with additional evidence, maybe may provide you with our next text message is text must've received respondent. What's going to court. Or maybe this for some canals that wasn't referred to in your class return organs or doing all evidence that it's very, very important that you comply. This paragraph off Pakistan died inside a key evidence needs to be going on the face of the order or reduced to writing and said with the orders, because it's very important to ensure that I respond is fully aware off the extent of the evidence which the court took into account in deciding more. Okay, not some of the other provisions wrong in the middle seven Just packed his guns provides that the order must contain statement right to making application to set aside a very the order on the term liberty replies simply not sufficient that Mr Do, if you spell out, responded entire toward without waiting for the return to apply to to set aside again the order Mr My Doctor cleared and if they're responded, does apply to bury your set aside, and the court must just a matter of much criticism within a matter of days. Okay, last year thing. Now, as I'm sure some of you will be away when you have doubt with without notice. Applications and those of return down yesterday sometimes respond, may not turn up. So this is where you or rather, paragraph six, this practice kindness is very important, which provides that sometimes the respondent may not apply to set aside of the order doesn't attend the hearing returned it now, In this case, Paragraph six provides that where there is no attendance by the respondent, the order having pumping served doesn't require amendment. They don't circumstances. There was no need for the service and that simply do old on every candidate Jesus called. But the respondent $1,000,000,000 circumstances have the benefit incurred but neither attended nor sort to behead. But if any of aviation is sold, for example, if one wants to increase or extend, the ambit of the duration of your site was on from them. And that's where one hostile shorter is. Probably we served in the circumstances again. Sure case now, paragraph six also provides that unless before the return dating respondent was given notice of proposed members driving the application of the original, you know you must specify new attack. Uh, this is rare. His Lordship in particular, doctor remind parties after the principles that apply between that naughty sword is made by the family court from division would be a pick or here, Really, these orders should only be applied. Fourth does in Med Sea or the Great Minutes, so that's impossible to give a note to salvage. Short form it is that there is a real risk, like alerted to what's proposed, if tipped offers a president courted respondent. Take steps in advance for the course. Older organized food of justice. For months, you can see pulling us together. Practice off without notice. Andi on motives and returned eight. Appearance has changed a lot of the results of these cases, like so it is starting with a case of Jamon sees that principle ing 24 to 41 for cases like organ Important that were previously. Then there was the president's garments of 30 October 2014. Then was more later case of gun believe 2016 case on that since then have the presence gardens off 18th General 2017 which must be followed. I hope that's been used for four years. To give you medicine was for information on the position without notice. Some returned it when getting applications on the part for finding work in my 64 normal station on occupation procedures. Thank you very much indeed. Speak next time.